Esthetics/Schooling ~ tell me about it!


Well-known member
Hi folks~ I have had a longtime passion with skincare and I have decided to looking into getting formal training to become a licenced estician.

Little background about me~
I am 26, with a full time (good) job. I graduated with a bachlor degree from a university for apparel/fashion and actually work in my career field. (technical clothing design and clothing production/manufacturing). I am happily (and fairly newly) married and a new home-owner as well. Things are going well for me and I'm enjoying life.

... BUT (there's always a but right?!) I have this urge to go out and become a licensed estician. It's not that I want to leave my job (my job is good just not everything I'd thought it would be) - So I have this lingering need to go out and get licenced and maybe do evening/weekend work at a spa ...

So I guess my questions is for all you people who have been through an estheics program and currently work at a spa (or used to) - did you like the education you got, do you like your job?

Is it even possible to work a a spa part time? I frequent a few here in Philly and I think it's possible. I have never stuck my neck out and asked.

If anyone has any type of imput on this subject let me know!

I have an appointment with a school in my area at the end of the month to look into there skin program... and possibly start night classes in Sept.

Has anyone had experience going to school at night?

Thank you all for reading! Any imput is valuable to me!