European Delay - Good or Bad?


Well-known member
i quite like the delay. I'm in australia and we usually have a delay of 2 weeks, but sometimes it's longer.

it's good to see the swatches, the FOTDs, the talk about the collection. it really can help me decide what i want to buy.

sometimes i lose interest in a collection before it comes out, but that's usually because i realise i don't actually want what i thought i wanted any more!


Well-known member
i do find it annoying to have to wait, but i find it so so useful to read reviews, especially with the youtube reviews people do! and see swatches. i think i'd buy a lot of stuff online i might not necessarily like if i didn't have as much information (i dont have a counter near me!)

Rose Bonbon

New member
There are prtos and cons. Personally I feel very impatient waiting for a collection that I eagerly anticipated. I hate that people working for MAC in Italy never seem to know the exact release date
, and I have to call them 20 times for it. This caused me to miss out some very wanted items from Barbie Loves MAC, for example, which is pretty much sold out after the first day of its release, and I had to buy them on ebay later. Recently I had to go to the Pro store 3 times in order to get my MSF order there. They don't even call me when my order arrive.

The delay is bad for participating in discussions here, too. Because of the delay, by the time we get the collection, the majority of Spectra-ers from North America have gotten over with it and move on to the next collections.

However, the delay has the advantage of helping me to cool down a bit before I actually see the collection. By the time the new collection arrives, ( 2-3 weeks delay on average) I already get enough infos about it---already read all the discussions, feedbacks, saw the helps me to avoid impulse buys.


Well-known member
Personally I do not mind having to wait for new collections as I can take advantage of all the swatches and reviews plus as I have had to cut makeup budget I can compare collections before deciding on which I'm going to spend my bucks.

What I hate about it is just that my MUA NEVER know when collections are going to arrive... in Spain we get them a week or two after UK so when I see it released in the UK site, I wait for a week and then start to go to my counter twice a week to check if its out yet or not.


Well-known member
One month is reaaaally too long!! A short delay is fine, so I can see all the swatches and reviews and then make my choice (and decide to be reasonable... or not). But one month is too much, because by the time the collections arrive part of the excitement has gone, and most of the discussions about it focus on the next ones which is very frustrating!


Well-known member
I think its good because I love checking out the swatches and reviews and you tube is definitely good for those too! That way I can make a more informed decision when I go to the MAC store and ask for exactly the items I want!
Of course it doesn't stop impulse buys...for example I had already decided I did not want a IPP from the Fafi Range but I decided to go for it when I saw them in person! I'm so weak! Ha. I do feel a little impatient after seeing the reviews and then having to wait another 2 weeks but I don't mind!


Well-known member
god we still have Fafi in Istanbul.Heatherette hasn't even arrived yet.Checking out all these swatches of new collections and not being able to buy them is such a torture for me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nico
god we still have Fafi in Istanbul.Heatherette hasn't even arrived yet.Checking out all these swatches of new collections and not being able to buy them is such a torture for me

That must be so frustrating!!!

I have a love/hate relationship with the delay. Pretty much along the lines of what everyone else has said.. good because you get to see swatches etc but bad because its frustrating!!


Well-known member
I love seeing swatches,

that being said I think it is ridiculous that the US site now has Dazzleglass, neo sci-fi and tendertones and we are still on naughty nauticals!



Well-known member
By the way today I went to MAC and I saw Naughty Nauticals.I asked to the MA why Naughty Nauticals arrived before Heatherette.She told me Heatherette did hit the store ten days ago and the collection sold out as soon as it came
But I was in an other Mac store last week they didn't have Heatherette .damn I missed Heatherette I'm in big pain

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