Ever been paid for sex?


Well-known member
No, I haven't. A friend of mine who is a year younger once begged me to give him a handjob for $5... Of course I didn't comply, it was the most pathetic thing I've ever heard in my life... xD

Anyway, if I were single and had already lost my virginity I think I may be willing to trade sexual favors for material favors... it just doesn't bother me much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I trade sexual favors for my husband restraining from comment when I haul at Gymboree and MAC.


In all seriousness I think being paid for sex or getting things in return for sex from someone that you are not in a relationship or married is different. We say we use sex to get things from our hubbys or whatever... but most of the time it's joking. Have sex with someone you don't know or you only know in passing is very different.


Well-known member
lol umh I make it a point to do the deed more often with the hubby ..when I know I spetn too much but havent told him ..i feel guilty so im like let me go and umh please my hubby for his hard earned cash I just spent ..or sometimes right after I was really umh extra nice in bed ..ill be like now can you go wash the dishes lol ..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by urbanlilyfairy
lol umh I make it a point to do the deed more often with the hubby ..when I know I spetn too much but havent told him ..i feel guilty so im like let me go and umh please my hubby for his hard earned cash I just spent ..or sometimes right after I was really umh extra nice in bed ..ill be like now can you go wash the dishes lol ..

lol thats funny


Well-known member
Originally Posted by urbanlilyfairy
lol umh I make it a point to do the deed more often with the hubby ..when I know I spetn too much but havent told him ..i feel guilty so im like let me go and umh please my hubby for his hard earned cash I just spent ..or sometimes right after I was really umh extra nice in bed ..ill be like now can you go wash the dishes lol ..

Those are kind of my sentiments... even without meaning to I will do this. When I feel guilty about spending our money or I've been especially bitchy I like to "repay" him with some attention.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
I hope no women ever gets paid to have sex. We aren't an object to purchase, we are to be respected and appreciated by men.

This gave me the lulz.

You hope no woman ever gets paid for sex...do tell, why take away bank from a woman who wants to exploit her assets to get what she wants? Also- no offense to you or your feminist dogma of course- but where I come from, respect and appreciation is earned, be it man or woman.


Well-known member
Although I have never and don't forsee myself ever being paid for sex. I think that people that are okay and use condoms and get tested to protect themselves and others I don't see it as a problem. Oh wait one problem I do have is that people use prostitution to commit adultry which I think is wrong, no matter how it is commited it is wrong. I feel that something like that takes a lot less respect in yourself as well as in relationships, than if you were to get paid for sex.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
This gave me the lulz.

You hope no woman ever gets paid for sex...do tell, why take away bank from a woman who wants to exploit her assets to get what she wants? Also- no offense to you or your feminist dogma of course- but where I come from, respect and appreciation is earned, be it man or woman.

Well im not sure how in depth you were thinking. If a woman has exploit themselves to get money to survive -- its their life not mines.. It's just unfortunate that whatever happened in their life and whatever choices they made lead to prostitution (I wasnt including one night stands where someone says here i'll pay you 20 bucks to give me a BJ. i was thinking more of the lines of the women out there who have to do this on a day to day basis for years for whatever reason.. being owned by a dangerous pimp etc.. i know its their fault they got into that situation but i guess im a softie)...

I'm half chinese and my dad was raised in the slums of china. He saw first hand all the pre teen girls ages 7 to 13 abandoned by their family because they are female, to be sold to Chinese pimps, being forced to have sex starting at 7+ years old.. until they are an undesired age. And you can hear them scream each and every day of their lives as 2 or 3 men go inside the small shack and do what they please with the girls for 2 bucks.. and this goes on for the next 10 years of their life, imagine how fked up those girls are by then... I think that story really hurt me (no clue why) so when i saw the title of the thread i immediately thought about those girls.. and im sure this goes on in other poor countries as well

P.S. What i ment by respect.. is to the chinese pimps who have the cold heart of doing this to virtually babies at 7 years old... and to the men who actually pay to rape a child

i know this was just supposed to be a fun thread to respond with either a yes w/ a short explanation or no.. didnt mean for it to be this deep lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meaghanb2926
We all use sex from time to time to get what we want

Not really...at least not me. You have sex to enjoy yourself and your partner's body and to feel close. Sex with a loved person itself is a reward.

I don't see how me f***ing or blowing him senseless could make him buy me i.e. more MAC or shoes lol.
(no offense meaghanb2926


Well-known member
I think Karinne Steffans may have described it best when she said that everything she ever did (as outlined in her memoir Confessions of a Video Vixen) was a form of prostitution; she was having sex for money or gifts. Perhaps not directly, with $50 on the nightstand, but things were being given to her and bought for her, and her lavish lifestyle was being supported on the condition that she continued to make herself sexually available to rich and powerful men.

I kind of think as Trophy Wives in the same way. I wouldn't out and call them prostitutes, but they'll often marry a wealthy man, even if they aren't attracted to him or in love with him, because they know that they'll be able to use their sex appeal and sexual ability to support a lifestyle they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford. The difference between them and your regular streetwalker is better outfits, a much more comfortable living situation, and a marriage license lol

Of course that's just how I see it; I have a friend who's with a guy simply because he's well off, and the whole thing is just disgusting to me. She's always telling us how she's not into him, she's not attracted to him, she loves that he travels so much for work because then she can be with other men. When she has sex with him, she confesses to drifting off about something else to get it over with, but stays with him because the gifts and money she's receiving are like nothing she'll get from any of the guys she's usually dating. And she fully intends to marry him if he proposes, despite the fact that she's not into him at all and thinks she could never ever love him. Disgusting.


Well-known member
me and my friend used to do some online text sex thing! it was so good, you get paid £8 an hour and then more depending on how many times the person keeps replying etc. you didn't have to send any pictures of yourself, and you could select a generic text to send out so you don't have to constantly talk dirty to them haha. i only did it as it passed the time when i was on the internet, i didn't feel like i was axctually doing anything as the majority of the time i sent out generic texts to them. it got shut down eventually though.
thats not paying for sex though. but no, i've never paid for/been paid for sex and never will.


Well-known member
Thanks for those links concertina, I love reading blogs and books on this subject at the moment.

xxManBeaterxx, that's horrible what happened to those young girls, however I find that to be more along the lines of human trafficking?

MAC_Pixie04, we share similar thoughts. And I too wouldn't come right out and say that trophy wives and the like are prostitutes, but there is a pretty thin line between them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy


Originally Posted by meaghanb2926
We all use sex from time to time to get what we want

Not really...at least not me. You have sex to enjoy yourself and your partner's body and to feel close. Sex with a loved person itself is a reward.

I don't see how me f***ing or blowing him senseless could make him buy me i.e. more MAC or shoes lol.
(no offense meaghanb2926

Moxy, I couldn't agree with you more. I have never ever thought "If i sex him up, maybe i'll get _____" whether it is a materalistic item or not. Especially since he's my first and only guy i've ever been intimate with (and we've been together for almost 7 yrs), sex with him is meaningful, special, and magical in itself. No need for a reward cuz being that close to him is rewarding in itself.

So to answer/comment on what meaghanb2926 said, it's possible that someone has never used sex to get something. Making love with the person you wanna spend the rest of your life with needs no reason/reward aside from the fact you just want to share your love with him/her.

what i said, however, is exclusive to serious relationships/true love; not prostitution, doing it for a ride home, etc.


Well-known member
I'm just coming back from my noon time customer....

lol jk

Nope, never have and strongly doubt I ever will.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I'm just coming back from my noon time customer....
