Ever feel blah? in a rut? downright fugly?


Well-known member
Aww, I know just how you feel :/

It sounds so cheesy, but whenever I'm in a rut, something as simple as going to the gym and doing an hour on the treadmill makes me feel a lot better. It doesn't change anything, but it makes me feel that at least I got some exercise. If after that I still feel like pulling the covers over my head and sleeping, I do just that, and hope that I won't feel so crappy when I wake up.


Well-known member
Oh I am in such a rut. I just don't have time to take care of myself. I work Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, rarely Sunday, and go to school all day Tuesday and Thursday. I get up in the morning and do my best to make myself look decent, but half the time I still think I look like crap. I feel fat, too, and it's also because since I don't have time to work out, everything is turning to flab, and I have zero motivation to fix it because by the end of the day I am just so tired, and I have a ton of homework to do!! I can't wait til Spring break!!


Well-known member
Oh my gosh Hilly.. I thought I was reading a thread I posted in my sleep or something! I have to say AMEN to everything you said! I feel like crap, I'm on my period... so that means I'm breaking out, I haven't done anything to my hair in over a year, I never have time for makeup, and worst of all.. NO VALENTINE!!! My problems run deeper than my appearance though.. but I get by.. by remembering that someone else out there in the world.. has it worse. I'm just an emotional rollercoaster. But I do have a fix for myself tomorrow.. since my hair is almost to my asscrack.. I'm chopping it off
. Hope you're feeling better sweety <3.


Well-known member
Yes. Many times. But sometimes I feel fat or that my body looks old for my age. But then I try to think, instead of focusing on what my body looks like all the time, why not think about what it can do?

Let's see, I can run a marathon in 5 1/2 hours. I can shoot a 12 gauge shotgun off my bicep. I am a good dancer. I am trained in Krav Maga and Kendo.

Ok. I don't feel so bad anymore. And I can always improve on physical ability and get into new activities.