Ever had a flat wash-board like stomach ?


Well-known member
Damn, Tish.. hot mama!! I admire your dedication, it's definitely paid off!

I just need a swift kick in the ass.. my tummy is my trouble area, and I KNOW I can do it, weight comes off easily for me.. I just can't get my butt up and do it.
I need a trainer, seriously I think that would be the only way because like Tish said you gotta be sure you are doing it in proper form or else it's not going to give you the full benefit.

OK this thread is making me want to get up and do crunches, lol.. I NEED to be in a bikini by the summer. I wanna flaunt my shit all over the beach, dammit! haha


Well-known member
Ok here's the thing on stummies:

Crunches are basically bogus, they'll strengthen, but only to a point. You can have abs o rock, but if there's a layer over them, they won't be visible.

It's HARD for a woman to have flat/washboard abs. Our body naturally retains more fat than a man's body does, and our fat placement can sometimes be stickier than we'd really like.

The things that I've done that have really changed my abs and my overall physique include:
Diet - Change it. Eat cleaner. If it's processed, saturated, etc., I try to avoid it (though lately I've been really bad, I admit). Stay away from cokes, sugars, simple starches, etc. If you're hungry, eat. If you're not...don't. Don't eat because you're bored, socializing, watching tv, etc.

Activity - I loathe crunches. Deadlifts, SQUATS, v-sits, pole dance, climbing...those are my activities. Oh and softball. Basically I'm saying grab the weights and learn how to use them and actually lift the things. Especially the ones that aren't covered in bright pink foam. I deadlift 30 lbs more than my body weight. It's a beautiful thing.

Bulking up - No. Not going to happen. What lots of women perceive as "zoinks bulky!" is actually just their body becoming stronger than it's ever been, but not by any stretch bulky. It's not bulky, it's just different. You have to train to be bulky.

Body fat - that's what's going to show or hide your abs. Lower it with HIIT cardio.




Well-known member
HUmmmmm crunches work for me......Thats weird....Not gonna stop doing them because when i do I can tell


Well-known member
I had amazing abs at one point when I was in the middle of doing my hardcore work out....Then i got hit by the "Break up" bug and it was really awful

Now I am back on track, and I am using spark people and its FANTASTIC!

I also think (don't shoot me) Tae-Bo works wonders too , I also do a lot of pilates, walking my dog, and rebounding/trampoling. I have just got back in to pole dancing too!

Well if anyone wants to be workout buddies I have msn, sparkpeople, facebook, skype and AIM. Lol....

My problem is my hips
, if anyone has tips for that it would be appreciated, cardio just is not cutting it currently. But every woman has a fat store somewhere and mine just has to be there.

Another trick I learnt to get a good stomach is to be conscious of your core muscles, when I walk I am always holding in my core muscles, or when stuck in traffic i will squeeze and release...Think pelvic floor exercises but for your abs! Pilates will teach you this, and I am a firm worshiper of Marie Windsor. As sad as that may be!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i really like standing crunches. i hate getting on the floor. poor range of motion for me.

I like those too!! Easier on my back


Well-known member
I had washboard abs before I hit puberty, I was a scrawny wirey little kid. Of course I was in gymnastics before, during, and for a couple of years after puberty, so my abs stayed very close to flat. Now, I like them. The abs themselves are flat, I just have a bit of fat over them. And you know what?? I think it looks sexy. So there.

My friend Colin calls it a baby pouch. Lets face it, evolution thinks we all need one.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i really like standing crunches. i hate getting on the floor. poor range of motion for me.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I like those too!! Easier on my back

Okie, you guys, what are standing crunches ? And how do you do those ?
My back has issues now as I told you ... So, I can't do weights Jamie
I need to find something that has more of an impact on the front side (stomach), rather than the back side (back)

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
^Planks will be good for that.

I came pretty close at one time. I was more into working out than I am now, even though I exercise just about every day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
I'll try planks on the weekend ... Let's see if I'm able to hold those nice

I often find the dolphin pose, and side planks a lot easier. I am trying to build my tummy in not out, its hard for me to pull in my stomach during the plank (Well for me it is
) so I think it may be building muscle out not in

Try some pilates....

YouTube - Winsor Pilates

Its all on you tube now

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Wow, you guys are awesome
I know what my day off this week is gonna be spent doing
You know, I was also wondering if I'll be able to hold the planks ... Anyhow, I'll see if I can do Pilates


Well-known member
I was thinking of trying Hip Hop abs....Saw it on TV in the US and just found it on You tube...I may give it a go because apparently its meant to give you great abs?


Well-known member
Standing crunches....The way I like best is
I use the bars at the gym that you do body lifts on...and raise your bent knees up to your tummy ...will slightly bending your back forward

My trainer also has me stand with my arms straight out to my side and bend down, back straight as possible until my boobs touch my slightly bent knees and hold for about 5 sec....so hard to explain but I hope you get the picture

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
I was thinking of trying Hip Hop abs....Saw it on TV in the US and just found it on You tube...I may give it a go because apparently its meant to give you great abs?

Kayte, send me the link too
And when you try these, let me know how well they work ...