Ever had a flat wash-board like stomach ?

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I'm on SP.

Spark people is a site for people who want to improve/maintain fitness and weight. It has a nutrition tracker, fitness tracker, message boards etc that are really helpful.


Well-known member
I love the step activities on the wii fit board. Though I get very competitive against my family, so we are always trying to beat each others scores. Last weekend i went to the 8am weight class, then went home and spent 53minutes on the wii fit board lol, i could have went longer but I knew I'd regret it lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Wooo go girl!

Lol... thaankk you!!!

Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
You go GlitterGeet!
30 pounds gone ??!! Wow! Well, if I lose 30, I'll be malnutritioned
Thankfully, my weight is at a wonderful point and I feel great. The only things I'm looking towards are body toning stuff
That's how maybe my stomach is gonna lose what it has

Kayte, what's Spark

Haa haa thanks! Shoot I have 30-40 more to go to be in the proper range for my height!

But if you're body toning you should also get a stability ball and do core exercises with it. If you go online to see the type of core exercises they offer you'll be like dannnnggg. Lol. The ball just allows more mobility/flexibility of your muscles when you do the exercises so you work the portion you need to TO the FUllest! =)
Plus since you said the gym isn't flying with you, these are all done at home! =)


Well-known member
I did when I was about 12 and took 9 or 10 dance classes a week, including a stretch and strengthening class.

I now have a bit of a tummy and I'm working hard at losing it. I've been going to the gym and sweating my tushy off multiple times a week with strength training and cario. Although that taco bell tonight did not help...


Well-known member
Oh chocolate is my biggest hurdle. I have a pretty good diet I don't drink, smoke, eat take away, drink soda, coffee, rarely juice, I drink heaps of water and exercise. But chocolate is something i cannot give up lol.


Well-known member
Yeah exactly. I'm sure people in the supermarket but think wow she eats a lot of chocolate but i find its best to buy a small bar every day from the supermarket then buy a fun size packet (with the intention of having one a day) and end up eating all 12 bars in one go lol.


Originally Posted by dollypink
yea when i was 17..... then beer & curries moved into my world haha

haha, me too


Well-known member
Thanks for posting those, Jamie! I've been dying to buy a ball and try the last two.

Personally, my favorite ab move ever is the bicycle, as well as cardio to burn the fat. It works the upper and lower abs, as well as the obliques all in one move. I've always seen the best results when I do them.

Here's a youtube link for anyone who has no idea how to do one: YouTube - Ab Isolation Exercises : The Bicycle Ab Exercise

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Thanks for posting all the great stuff guys!
My focus is changing these days ... I'm letting go of this fad for sometime as I have an op coming up
Man, it's on friday


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
Thanks for posting all the great stuff guys!
My focus is changing these days ... I'm letting go of this fad for sometime as I have an op coming up
Man, it's on friday

Good luck! :hugs:

And when you're all done with your op, good luck with all the change and fitness. I'm trying hard too, hopefully it will work for us!

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Thanks hun
It WILL work
Honestly, I just wanna stay fit and healthy the way I am now even if my tummy doesn't go in
I just wanna keep this weight and maybe lose some more ... G'luck to us


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
Thanks hun
It WILL work
Honestly, I just wanna stay fit and healthy the way I am now even if my tummy doesn't go in
I just wanna keep this weight and maybe lose some more ... G'luck to us


I'd much rather be healthy on the inside than have a rockin' body and be totally unhealthy inside.

I want to just tone up. Kim Kardashian is my ideal body! I just want curves but a flat tummy.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Yea, Kim is a nice example
Seriously, curves rock! And you're right about toning up. Once you've lost weight, it's like all that stretched skin doesn't know what to do and where to go
You intend to lose more weight ?


Well-known member
Exactly- and I've noticed from losing a few pounds my cellulite got a lot more prominant. I need to focus now on muscle building and toning up my body.

I wouldn't mind losing a few more pounds. How about you?