Ever Used Up a MAC Product?


Well-known member
I've used up foundations, blot powders, and 2 lip glasses. I've almost finished the 2 lipgelees that I have.


Well-known member
i finished one jar of Blacktrack and a tube of Select Moisturecover concealer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by romi79_2008
I got my first Mac last March, the first thing to hit pan is MSF natural in about 6-7 month. How many years takes to hit pan in an eyeshadow?

I got Blanc Type some time in the summer, I think, and I hit pan last week. It's my favourite highlight, but not the only one I use (I still use it a good 3+ times per week, though). So, it all depends on how much you (ab)use a particular shadow.


Well-known member
Just used up my 1st hue l/s and my 1st underage l/g! So close to finishing my Fafi not to innocent l/s
not a happy bunny!


Well-known member
I've used up plenty of foundations, prep & prime spf50, Mac wipes, format blush, spiked eyebrow pencil, cushy lipliner, new york apple l/s, sketch e/s, energy l/g, and love nectar l/g. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of.


Well-known member
I go through the lip conditioner stick, blot powder, and natural MSF fairly quickly because I use those every day. Oh, and the face wash and microfine refinisher. I think that's it though!


Sure. Makeup I've used up is the MAC Blot powder compact. I don't think I've ever used up an entire lipstick or gloss yet.

Non-makeup items I've used up are the brush cleansers.


Well-known member
I've used up blot powder, loose powder, I'm nearly through my pressed powder compact too (which i bought in oct), been through a couple concealers, mascara, eyeliners. I think that's it.


Well-known member
I've only been using MAC for the past 1.5 years and I have tons of colors so no, i am not even close to running out. I'd say the closest one would be satin taupe because I've had that the longest.


Well-known member
I have used up countless Studiofix powders, blot powders, oh baby lipglass, and viva glam vi lipglass


Well-known member
uhhh 1 brush cleanser but i havent been collecting for that long but my mom has gone thru zoomlash and a foundation(not sure which one)


Well-known member
countless lipglasses and few lippies too....although I have some MAC pigments ,that i bought like 4 years ago and still half full...


Yeah, I've gone through several tubes of Lust Lipglass, several cases of Studio Fix Powder Foundation, one tube of Fast Play lipstick and one tube of Spirit lipstick. Many other Lipglass products and lipsticks I never end up finishing.


Well-known member
Trax...thats it. I'm down to the bare minimum of Carbon. Everything else just has pan showing. I don't use a lot of MAC's other products - my weakness is their eyeshadows only (for the most part).


Well-known member
I've probably posted here before, but I've gone thru l/g, 1 l/s, studio fix powder, lots of brush cleanser and naked lunch e/s....oh and I have a tiny bit of brule e/s left.


Well-known member
I've gone through at least 2 Vex e/s, a Trax e/s, a Gel l/s, about 15 blot powders and a few concealers.


Well-known member
I've used up their Point Black Liquidlast Eyeliner, several times.
Shroom eyeshadow
Prep and Prime Skin Visage
And I just hit pan on Nocturnelle


New member
I've gone through a Mineralized Loose Foundation,
Even with the smallest amount used daily.

Im also really low on Studio Sculpt Concealer!!!

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