Ever Used Up a MAC Product?


Well-known member
^^ WOW! I get through my MSF so slowly it's almost painful. HAHA

I've gotten through
mineralized loose powder foundation
select spf 15 (almost there)
prep & prim skin
blacktrack fluidline


Jessie May

Well-known member
So far I have used up...

Boy Bait Cremesheen Glass x2
Desire Lipglass
Volcanic Ash Exfoliator x3
Volcanic Ash Thermal Mask

And numerous packets of wipes.

Been buying MAC since Augustish 2009.


Well-known member
MSFN, Lingering Eyebrow Pencil, numerous brush cleaners, Viva Glam V lipstick, Sublime Culture Lipliner, Conditioner in the tube, loose mineral foundation

just about to be finished are: Brule eyeshadow, mineralize spf foundation, select moisturecover concealer


Well-known member
prep & prime skin x2
select moisturecover concealer
cream colour base shell
prep & prime lips x2
eyeshadow charcoal brown
brush cleanser x3


Well-known member
The only MAC product I have ever used up was MSFN. I'm on my third one. I don't know why I bother buying backups of other items. It must be the addict in me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Door
I've used up only two mascaras and one blot powder.

Update: in addition to the above: 3 l/s (Craving, Speak Louder, Syrup), Studio Sculpt foundation and 3rd mascara.


Specktra Bestie
I've gone through lots of foundations over the years. In fact, I just finished up a bottle of NW15 Studio Fluid. Really, anything to do with the face goes quickly- wipes, primer (the few times I've bought it), foundation (even though I thin it out with moisturizer)... I've also gone through plenty of mascaras (Plushlash and Dazzlelash).

In terms of colours, there are a few that I've bought repeatedly from the regular line:

Mystic l/s
Desire l/s
Viva Glam V l/s
Underworld l/s
Swish e/s
Vellum e/s
Vex e/s
Paradisco e/s
Seedy Pearl e/s
Crystal e/s
Motif e/s
Goldmine e/s

And of course, there are a lot of LE products that I've had and used up... I probably couldn't remember them all. I'm currently trying to convince myself that the few crumbs of Lightscapade I have left are worth keeping... I'll have a breakdown if I have to admit that it's really gone.


Well-known member
I've used up the following e/s:
Shroom (several)
Aria (was my HG eyebrow color when it was current shade)
Pen N Pink

Naked Rose creme stick liner
Spice (well, back in the 90s anyway, lol) too dark for me now


VG V (a few)
O (back several yrs ago now - not one of my current shades)
Twig Twig (just finished my first and am using back up now)
Party Mate

the only ones I remember names are VG V, Crystal Beach (?), Lovechild

Powerpoint e/p:
Forever Green
Perma Plum (on my 3rd)


Well-known member
Just Fix + Rose and Love Nectar Lustreglass. It took some determination to finish off Love Nectar. I'm close to finishing Boy Bait and halfway through Nymphette. No where close to hitting pan on any of my shadows or finishing any of my lipsticks though.


Well-known member
i replace my blot powder, blacktrack fluidline, Prep & Prime Powder, and Viva Glam V lipstick a few times a year. I have also finished Zoomlash mascara, Satin Taupe eyeshadow and Phone Number Eye Kohl. These are things I use pretty much every day, though.


Well-known member
i have used up yet another prep and prime loose powder. i swear i should stop buying this because i seem to use it up quicker than my revlon colour stay pressed powder... nearly double the price too!


Well-known member
I've finished:
- Eyebrow pencils in Fling (3 I guess?)
- Brush Cleanser (2 or 3)
- Moisturelush eyecream
- Lip care spf 15 (the pot)
- Lip care (tube)
- Zoomlash mascara
- Prep&Prime Lash
- Prolash mascara
- Mineralize All Over Lotion
- Pro eyemakeup remover

All of those are everyday products. I'm not finishing any e/s, lipsticks etc. soon because I rotate them so much. Although my Creme Cup and Sunsational lipsticks are quite low now, so I can see myself finishing them!


Well-known member
Ive got through a fair bit really....
3 bottles of studio fix...im on my 4th now.
Mineralize foundation.
Studio fix powder.
3 MSFN (i tend to match fluid with powder)
Shroom eyeshadow
Cleanse off oil and ive almost finished my 2nd bottle.
Brush cleanser...
A few lipglosses although i cant remember their names !


Well-known member
My first product that I will completely use up is going to be Blankety lipstick and Subculture lipliner (that thing has MAYBE two more uses left in it lol). My Girls Delight Dazzleglass is also at its last few drops.


Well-known member
Taking longer to use up my MAC but I have used up a few things and there is some things almost done:
  • mac eyebrow pencil(x2)
  • prep&prime face

    Almost gone
  • all that glitter e/s
  • boy bait creemsheen glass
  • baby sparks dazzle glass
  • studio tech foundation
  • fix+


Well-known member
i'm embarassed because i have used up soooooo much more than i can ever recall but i have to include:

orange matte e/s
satellite dreams e/s
spanking rich d/g
funtabulous d/g
star nova l/g (countless!)
viva glam IV l/g (beyond countless)
partial to pink
burgundy l/l
wet, wild and wonderful
expensive pink
ample pink l/g
blot powder
plain gloss (countless!)

i refuse to name anymore.. i feel ill. i've been buying MAC a looooooong time


Well-known member
Actually, I have used up Gingerroot lip liner, but I can see that there's more in there under the twisty part and I want to figure out a way to use it.


Let's see...
3 Studiofix compacts
1 Moisturecover concealer
Golden Bronzer
Brush Cleanser
Fast Response/Eye
Cleansing Oil

I think that's it!

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