Everyday Minerals (all)


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I'm kinda pissed at their so called "customer service". I have been using EDM for over a year with no problems. I placed another order a month ago and they didn't ship a foundation sample. Its not a huge deal but I would have liked a replacement. I emailed them 3 times with NO answer what so ever. I may switch to Alima cuz that's just shady.


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I disliked EDM. It broke me out unfortunately


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Eye Kabuki

I got my eye kabuki today... same super soft synthetic bristles as their flat top & baby kabuki

good dense head although I can see that it's a bit in the big side to be used in some people's eye area... i can see using it for precision face buffing

i think if they made the bristles half as long, it would make it 'spread' less

all in all very excellent value for $7...
i didnt feel i sacrificed anything for the price
totally HG!

Also 10 business days shipping to Canada so that is pretty awesome


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Applegreen
Which formula did you use? I've heard many people complain about the Intensive foundation. Can't tell if it still applies, but in her blog Carina (EM's owner) once mentioned that the Intensive formula contains some special ingredients along with the usual micas and oxides. For some people these additives cause breakouts and such. I remember having issues with drought and blackheads while trying out Intensives. Original Glo was even worse for me as it really dried my skin out and caused some strange little pimples that were more like tiny blisters... Never had any problems with Semi-Matte or Matte, so I'm sticking with these.

Huyyy I so in love with EDM!! I love their coverage and Intensive formula. I've been using it for about 3 weeks and have been breaking out more than usual!! I'm hoping it's trully not the foundation and going to change some stuff on my routine to test things out.


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i think, for cost-quality, their flat-top buffer is the best out there

i used to use and love the coastal scents flat-tops but now they feel rough in comparison to EDM's!


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Has anyone used their blushes? I have one blush (apple)...but I want some other ones. I'm not sure which ones to order. I want a pinkish one and a nice neutral contouring one. Something similiar to MAC's plum foolery and harmony. Can anyone help me with some shades?


Well-known member
if you're fair, pink ribbon is a nice pink blush. i like it, but it doesn't suit my medium-dark skin tone.


Active member
One more thing I've heard has caused irritation while using mineral foundation popped into mind just now: a brush that's too harsh. Some people have been fine by washing their foundation brush (be it a kabuki or whatever) more often and some just need a softer brush. I'm using MAC's 187 and am loving it. Compared to any kabuki, powder or blush brush I've had (and I've had some very good brushes) it's super soft. Some skins don't like any sort of buffing either. Then again, the "glowing ingredient" might be the thing causing trouble, but that's easily sorted by trying out matte fndts. I hear Meow has some really nice ones for oilier skins at least.

ladyJ, I just love EM's blushes! I have so many I'll soon start storing them in a bag from which I'll draw the blush of the day each morning with my eyes closed (I'm sure the daily blush lottery would definitely make my morning routines more exciting
). Which foundation do you use? I'm not familiar with MAC blush colours since my skin can't handle the talc-y formula, but basically, what kind of colouring do you have?


Active member
For a blusher I love Walkee Talkee- I got a sample and it goes on very smoothly. Quite bright on me (I'm quite somewhere inbetween fair and medium) with a little shimmer. It's sort of raspberry, but more pink less red, if that makes sense!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Applegreen
One more thing I've heard has caused irritation while using mineral foundation popped into mind just now: a brush that's too harsh. Some people have been fine by washing their foundation brush (be it a kabuki or whatever) more often and some just need a softer brush. I'm using MAC's 187 and am loving it. Compared to any kabuki, powder or blush brush I've had (and I've had some very good brushes) it's super soft. Some skins don't like any sort of buffing either. Then again, the "glowing ingredient" might be the thing causing trouble, but that's easily sorted by trying out matte fndts. I hear Meow has some really nice ones for oilier skins at least.

ladyJ, I just love EM's blushes! I have so many I'll soon start storing them in a bag from which I'll draw the blush of the day each morning with my eyes closed (I'm sure the daily blush lottery would definitely make my morning routines more exciting
). Which foundation do you use? I'm not familiar with MAC blush colours since my skin can't handle the talc-y formula, but basically, what kind of colouring do you have?

I wear intensive medium concealer and olive light intensive. Right now I have apple blush and corner office but I feel like corner office is too red. I had my eye on waffle cone, plum dust, best friends, and walkee talkee. I'm not sure which one would look best. Which ones would you recommend?


Active member
Hmmm... I myself am closer to Olive Fair, but a friend of mine (half spanish, olive skintone and dark brown hair) wears Light Olive Intensive and so far her favourites have been:
- Snooze Bar (I love this one too), a peach-brown w/ golden shimmer
- Evening Out, a slightly mauve-ish version of Snooze Bar
- Peach Tree, a deep brownish peach w/ white sparkles
- Girl's Day, a soft rusty coral red w/ gold sparkles

In our recent order she got Shortcake, Corner Office and Wake Up Call and really liked those too. If you would prefer a lighter, less red-brown and slightly pinker version of Corner Office you should try Theme Park. It's a peachy pink with maybe a bit of coral tones w/ golden shimmer. I once saw a swatch comparing Nars Orgasm and Theme Park and they were quite close.

By my own experience I wouldn't recommend Walkee Talkee as it was too much on the cool side for someone with a warm colouring. Salon Fun might work for you too if you like fresh and fun berry shades. Waffle Cone has a bit of a pink undertone and made me look kind of muddy. Another friend of mine who wears Medium Cool loved this though. I'd go for Evening Out or Snooze Bar if you're looking for a not-quite-a-bronzer but something that adds a bit of healthy glow. Plum Dust and Best Friends (Opening Day is a sheer, shimmery version of this) would probably be nice, soft and fresh colours for you.

EM have their own forum with lots of helpful members who have posted lots of swatches in there. Once the descriptions and photos on the actual site are so inaccurate those swatches are gold. You can find the forum under "Community".

HTH =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Applegreen
Hmmm... I myself am closer to Olive Fair, but a friend of mine (half spanish, olive skintone and dark brown hair) wears Light Olive Intensive and so far her favourites have been:
- Snooze Bar (I love this one too), a peach-brown w/ golden shimmer
- Evening Out, a slightly mauve-ish version of Snooze Bar
- Peach Tree, a deep brownish peach w/ white sparkles
- Girl's Day, a soft rusty coral red w/ gold sparkles

In our recent order she got Shortcake, Corner Office and Wake Up Call and really liked those too. If you would prefer a lighter, less red-brown and slightly pinker version of Corner Office you should try Theme Park. It's a peachy pink with maybe a bit of coral tones w/ golden shimmer. I once saw a swatch comparing Nars Orgasm and Theme Park and they were quite close.

By my own experience I wouldn't recommend Walkee Talkee as it was too much on the cool side for someone with a warm colouring. Salon Fun might work for you too if you like fresh and fun berry shades. Waffle Cone has a bit of a pink undertone and made me look kind of muddy. Another friend of mine who wears Medium Cool loved this though. I'd go for Evening Out or Snooze Bar if you're looking for a not-quite-a-bronzer but something that adds a bit of healthy glow. Plum Dust and Best Friends (Opening Day is a sheer, shimmery version of this) would probably be nice, soft and fresh colours for you.

EM have their own forum with lots of helpful members who have posted lots of swatches in there. Once the descriptions and photos on the actual site are so inaccurate those swatches are gold. You can find the forum under "Community".

HTH =)

Thanks! You really helped me out. I recently signed up on everyday minerals forums and checked out all the swatches. I have corner office but I think it is too red for me. I think I'll try plum dust, best friends, theme park, and snooze bar! Thanks again.


Well-known member
Does anyone know why Everyday Minerals stopped carrying their 100% Silk Powder? That was one of my favorite finishing powders!


Active member
Originally Posted by athena123
Does anyone know why Everyday Minerals stopped carrying their 100% Silk Powder? That was one of my favorite finishing powders!

They had trouble with the batches varying too much in quality, so sometimes the silk powder was great, when the next batch might be grainy and another might have an unpleasant odour. They also wanted to become entirely vegan, first switched to synthetic brushes and finally quit abusing Chinese caterpillars.

I hear Dreamworld Minerals have a very nice silk powder. Meow Cosmetics have one, too.


Well-known member
I just got my EDM samples the other day.

From the samples I ordered, Buff Beige Neutral (intensive formula) and Beige Medium Beige Neutral (matt formula) seemed to be decent matches, so today I wore Buff Beige Neutral, and I had to run errands by foot (I walk everywhere)... There was sweat on my forehead and the foundation turned orange, but only on my forehead

Does anyone know if this is more prone to happen with certain colors or formulas? Or if a problem with EDM? I really liked the coverage, feel, and the color match, but I just can't risk arriving into my apprenticeship with a normal face color and an orange forehead...


Hey ladies! I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm pretty new to foundation. I've never really had a use for it until now!

I have a few foundation samples in cool shades (Fair Medium and Medium), and they make me look a bit pink and washed out. Does this mean I'm not a cool shade? Should I try a couple of the warm shades? I don't know why I'm having such a hard time finding a match.


Active member
It's mission: impossible to present you the right colour out of the blue. Apparently you're not cool-toned if pink-based foundations make you look pink. You might want to try slightly darker shades if the ones you tried washed you out. Could you tell us a bit about your colouring? In natural light, does your natural hair colour have a dominant warm or a cool tone, do your veins appear more blue or green, which colours suit you best in clothing... That sort of stuff. If you feel you're not too clearly warm (warm meaning gold or copper tones in hair and peach or yellow in skin) you might be neutral or olive. The more pale you are, the harder it is to determine true colouring in my opinion. So now it should still be fairly easy if you have some natural tan left.

Meow Cosmetics have some nice advice to tracking down your true skintone in their foundation chart. EM offers a bunch of tips on their site (I think it's under "FAQ" or they might still have a link to the right place on the Foundation page).


Thank you Applegreen.

Sorry my post was dumb.
I've read on other websites where girls are like, "Oh this makes me look too yellow!" and someone would be like, "Oh try this shade." Haha so yeah, that's why I asked.

My veins look more blue to me. My hair definitely has natural red and golden tones. My skin looks more yellow to me, except I think my face does have some pink undertones. My face could just be a little red from all the bad sunburns I've had though.

I wish I had more information. It'd be more helpful huh?!
I've never been matched to MAC so I don't know what shade I am in their foundations.

I was planning on ordering a third sample kit from EM... just not sure what shades to try next.

And thanks for those websites. I'll check them out right now.


Active member
Originally Posted by dudeee
Thank you Applegreen.
My veins look more blue to me. My hair definitely has natural red and golden tones. My skin looks more yellow to me, except I think my face does have some pink undertones. My face could just be a little red from all the bad sunburns I've had though.

You're welcome.

Based on this I would recommend trying colours from Beige and Warm families. Do take at least one sample from Golden and maybe Buff or Olive, too. I'm no expert, but I think natural redheads usually tend to have peachy undertones (pink + yellow). EM's Beiges are neutral-ish with a bit of warmth and peach (pink-yellow) tones. The Warms have more yellow and a little pink so they're peachy yellows IMO. The Goldens have little to no peach (Golden Light is a bit peachy) and a dominant yellow tone. In any case, try a little darker colours this time. If you had fairs, try fairly lights and lights, if you started with lights try mediums and so on. EM's charts aren't very accurate and in some cases they're just illogical (for example Light Olive is darker than Golden Medium). I myself love EM, but for beginners the colour chart is just too confusing. Meow, LaurEss, Lumiere and Lily Lolo have some more sense in theirs.

The trickiest tones to track I think are neutrals and olives. Both gold and silver (warm and cool colours) suit the neutral and olive type. On these skintones most foundations just seem too colourful. The best way to determine between these two that I've come across is to bend your arm and look at the darkest spots on the inside of your elbow and wrist. You really need to do some serious staring.
If the colour is clearly brown you're probably neutral and if there's a tinge of green you're most probably olive. It took me two years to finally figure out I was in fact olive, but most olive foundations being dominantly yellow or even too olive I had to make my own blend. I noted earlier in this thread that after discovering mineral make-up I've become obsessed with finding the perfect match, which I think is because of the abundance of colour options and the ease of mixing. It didn't really help that I hadn't used any foundation (not even loose powder) in years and that I wasn't used to the look of it, so the finish had to look as natural as bare skin, only better.

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