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Re: Everyday Minerals formulas & colors

Originally Posted by astronaut
Hi, I have a similar complexion as you right now and I'd like to know what shade in EDM you use?

So I've finally recieved my package (I'm in Hong Kong at the mo, so shipping is a pain), and test driven all the items.

Here's what I got:
Light-winged butter in semi-matte
Golden Medium in matte
Buttered Tan in intensive
Everyday Bronzer
Intensive Medium concealer

I've tried the golden medium and buttered tan, but are finding both a little too light (thus, have not even considered LWB). Too light in that it almost blends with my facial skin tone, but the lightest part of my face (i.e. the... brow bones?.. or.. cheeks? i'm not sure...), so my face looks a shade or two lighter than my arms, but not too unnaturally so. I like the matte coverage MUCH better (especially in this disgusting summer humidity), as the intensive is coming off a little too shiny/glowy. I like the concealer, and it's pretty spiffy in terms of coverage- though even the intensive medium seems a tad light on. I follow the concealer by buffing in a little more foundation where I've used the concealor, and it works out fine.
The bronzer, I don't like so much. It's a bit... brick-red for my taste, but maybe I'll use it for a dramatic look some day.

I'm going on vacation for a few days this weekend where I'll be tanning a little more so I'm thinking I'm going to try to get another sample package w/ an order of medium tan (the next darkest foundation in warm that doesn't apparently have peach undertones). I'll probably have to mix it with some Golden medium/buttered tan for a better match, but it's better than this too-light shade I've got going on now. Does anyone have any other suggestions in terms of shades?

Nevertheless, I'm liking the coverage, but do find it's not as impervious to the oilies as BM.... I might have to layer on a little more mineral veil than I'm used to, but it's better than the stingy-itchiness of BM!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by entipy
I have almost ALL of the e/s, so if you have questions about any in particular, I could help you out. (The only swatches I know of are in a photo album belonging to an EDM Yahoo group. Of course, you'd be welcome to join that if you like.) The swatches on the EDM website are AWFUL, but their word descriptions are pretty good.

Ooh do you have a link to the Yahoo group?


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Originally Posted by Monidoll4u
can you tell me is there a big different in semi matte, intensive, original glo?...thanks..

The difference, basically, is in coverage. Original Glo is the sheerest coverage and, as the name indicates, imparts a bit of a "glow." Semi-matte is a bit heavier than OG, Matte a bit heavier than Semi-Matte, and Intensive is the heaviest. Some folks say there is a slight color difference between each of the formulas, but I think it's not so much a color difference as a coverage difference. Heavier coverage makes the color appear a bit darker.

I prefer Intensive because it gives me the heavier coverage I need.



Well-known member
I was using ED Minerals in Fairly Light for this year, I found it really easy to apply, but notice that it went dark throughout the day...I ordered some new samples so hopefully will find a better color match!
Anyone else get a little overwhelmed with all those finishes and all those new shades? Wow...
And I was using the Intensive formula, it didn't seem to clog pores, but it's hard to tell what I get acne from, so I'm trying the matte as well this time
My question is about the flocked sponge, I bought one because of all the rave reviews, but I feel like a dunce because I can't figure out how to use it!
I've tried it wet and dry to no avail..the wet made the powder go chalky and gross on my face..the dry just seemed to make it go on...well dryer..

Once by chance I lucked out and my first sweep was perfect, and it covered up this horrible new acne I had (the kind that refuses to allow itself to be covered up)

And now I can't duplicate it again. Any tips?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
i am a MAC NC30-35. what shade would i be for edm?

Hi. I'm not familiar with MAC's shade system. Could you give some details on your skin tone? Warm, cool, or neutral? Fair, Light, Medium, or Tan?

Originally Posted by hnich
My question is about the flocked sponge, I bought one because of all the rave reviews, but I feel like a dunce because I can't figure out how to use it!
I've tried it wet and dry to no avail..the wet made the powder go chalky and gross on my face..the dry just seemed to make it go on...well dryer..

Once by chance I lucked out and my first sweep was perfect, and it covered up this horrible new acne I had (the kind that refuses to allow itself to be covered up)

And now I can't duplicate it again. Any tips?

I can't offer tons of advice on the flocked sponge because I've only ever played around with it. I do know it seems to take about 3 or 4 times as much mineral powder as a brush. Is there a particular reason you want to apply with the flocked sponge?

Also - what kind of skin care rountine are you currently using? It could be something is irritating your acne, and you're not aware of it! I've learned a lot of new skin things recently from an online friend.

Also, I'm a member of an Everyday Minerals Yahoo group - if you'd like to check it out. LOTS of knowledge in there: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/emusergroup/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hnich
I was using ED Minerals in Fairly Light for this year, I found it really easy to apply, but notice that it went dark throughout the day...I ordered some new samples so hopefully will find a better color match!
Anyone else get a little overwhelmed with all those finishes and all those new shades? Wow...
And I was using the Intensive formula, it didn't seem to clog pores, but it's hard to tell what I get acne from, so I'm trying the matte as well this time
My question is about the flocked sponge, I bought one because of all the rave reviews, but I feel like a dunce because I can't figure out how to use it!
I've tried it wet and dry to no avail..the wet made the powder go chalky and gross on my face..the dry just seemed to make it go on...well dryer..

Once by chance I lucked out and my first sweep was perfect, and it covered up this horrible new acne I had (the kind that refuses to allow itself to be covered up)

And now I can't duplicate it again. Any tips?

I have the flocked sponge and once I figured out a technique that worked for me I was sorted. Here's how I prep my skin and use the sponge (for reference I have very oily skin with large pores that are easily clogged, sometimes I get dry patches around my mouth):

Moisturisation is the key to getting a smooth finish with the flocked sponge. I couldn't get the smooth, soft skin I needed through regular moisturisers so I switched to using oil. Yes, oil on oily skin (it is seriously the best cure, since using oil I have not had one zit appear and I stay matte all day). I don't mean cooking oil but base oils used in aromatherapy. I have found Jojoba oil works perfectly for me but if you are acne prone you may find that rosehip oil does wonders for you as it is renowned for reducing redness caused by spots. Try googling it and see what info you can find.

What I do after cleansing and toning is take a small amount of oil in my hands and rub them together to spread it on my palms, then smooth is all over my face giving a light massage as I go. I leave it to sink in for a few minutes, but I don't want it to totally sink in as it's the residue that helps my foundation to glide on.

I then take my dry sponge and dip the corner into the foundation. Don't overload it, you only need a little at a time and you can build up the coverage as you need it. I then pat the powder over my face first and then use the sponge to blend it in. I press quite hard to blend and it doesn't rub off my skin as you would expect. After applying the foundation with my sponge I then give my face a quick buff with a flat top brush to make sure it is blended evenly.

I tried using the sponge wet once but found it gave cakey coverage. It's all about trial and error really, you will find a method that works for you but having moisturised skin is a must in most cases.

I hope this helps a little bit, I'm not very good at explaining things!


Well-known member
Yes, Jojoba is a great oil to use as a moisturizer! It's also a great make-up remover.
For those of you who may think, "OMG! OIL???" it's not reeeally like oil. It's more like a wax but MUCH better for the health of your skin than normal moisturizers.

If anyone wants more details on Jojoba as MU remover and/or moisturizer, just ask. I'll post how I use it. YMMV, of course!

In addition, you can also use Emu oil, Olive oil, Grapeseed oil, Camellia oil. You just have to be careful if you have sensitive skin which may react to certain things. Emu is the heaviest of all those, and Camellia is the lightest (I believe). I've heard Grapeseed is lighter than Jojoba (which is lighter than Emu and Olive), but I haven't tried it yet.


Well-known member
yes more tips!
I tried first just overloading the sponge yesterday..and it seemed to work like it had the first time, I just need a new color cause I ended up with two dark patches on my face!

and I do use jojoba oil (as a makeup remover/wax remover) but stopped using it as a moisturizer...after your info though, I must give it at least one more try!

I think I'm probably going to use the sponge just as a spot coverer because it does such a great job, because I like the sheer coverage I get from the brush (if I can't see my freckles, it's too heavy!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hnich
and I do use jojoba oil (as a makeup remover/wax remover) but stopped using it as a moisturizer...after your info though, I must give it at least one more try!

My suggestion for using it as a moisturizer - it doesn't actually moisturize your face, but it helps to hold IN moisture. So, what I do is get my hands wet then use them to get my face wet. Not, like, DRIPPING you know, but wet enough. Then put a couple drops of Jojoba in my palm, rub my hands together, then distribute all over my dampened face. Then, let the water dry! VOILA! Moisturization!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
i am a MAC NC30-35. what shade would i be for edm?

I'm around there too. I use Golden Medium.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sOo_femme
I should be getting my sample kit in the mail on Monday. I can't wait! =]

YAY for samples!


Well-known member
I'm quite interested in trying EDM, but I can't seem to get up the nerve to leave my BE! I do feel that I need more coverage than BE offers me, so I'm assuming that Intensive would be my best option.

I'm checking out the site now and I'm SO lost! No idea where to start with colors! In BE I use Medium Beige (too light) mixed with Medium Tan (not enough yellow). I'm somewhere between Neutral and Warm toned, so what else should I try other than the Medium Beige Summer?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fearnotsomuch
In BE I use Medium Beige (too light) mixed with Medium Tan (not enough yellow). I'm somewhere between Neutral and Warm toned, so what else should I try other than the Medium Beige Summer?

Aside from BE formulas, what else can you tell us about your skin tone? I've only used BE's medium beige, which was too light for me. I'm asian, so I have very definite yellow undertones and am liking warm Golden Medium. I'm NC35-ish, but I find that my face is lighter than the rest of my body (especially as I tend to protect my face with sunscreen more often). I've ordered a sample of warm medium tan and LOVE it mixed with a little golden medium. It's dark enough to look natural, but gives me a bronzed look that matches the skintone of the rest of my body haha.

Just from what I've heard, warm Medium Beige and warm Medium Beige Summer tend to be quite peachy. if that's what you're looking for - go for it!

I haven't tried any foundation samples in the neutral range, so I can't help you out there, but I strongly encourage you to get at least one sample pack just to try the shades out.

Oh! and if you're interested in concealer, you should definitely get intensive tan as opposed to intensive medium (if you were even looking at the intensive concealer formulas) The intensive medium looked MUCH too light on me even when I was just using Golden Medium foundation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fearnotsomuch
I'm quite interested in trying EDM, but I can't seem to get up the nerve to leave my BE! I do feel that I need more coverage than BE offers me, so I'm assuming that Intensive would be my best option.

I'm checking out the site now and I'm SO lost! No idea where to start with colors! In BE I use Medium Beige (too light) mixed with Medium Tan (not enough yellow). I'm somewhere between Neutral and Warm toned, so what else should I try other than the Medium Beige Summer?

Originally Posted by tanbelina
Aside from BE formulas, what else can you tell us about your skin tone? I've only used BE's medium beige, which was too light for me. I'm asian, so I have very definite yellow undertones and am liking warm Golden Medium. I'm NC35-ish, but I find that my face is lighter than the rest of my body (especially as I tend to protect my face with sunscreen more often). I've ordered a sample of warm medium tan and LOVE it mixed with a little golden medium. It's dark enough to look natural, but gives me a bronzed look that matches the skintone of the rest of my body haha.

Just from what I've heard, warm Medium Beige and warm Medium Beige Summer tend to be quite peachy. if that's what you're looking for - go for it!

I haven't tried any foundation samples in the neutral range, so I can't help you out there, but I strongly encourage you to get at least one sample pack just to try the shades out.

Oh! and if you're interested in concealer, you should definitely get intensive tan as opposed to intensive medium (if you were even looking at the intensive concealer formulas) The intensive medium looked MUCH too light on me even when I was just using Golden Medium foundation.

Hi! Tanbelina has given some good suggestions. If you're getting a sample kit, I would suggest you try Medium Beige Neutral, Medium Beige Summer Warm, and maybe Medium Tan Warm? Also, Tanbelina is right about the concealer. The Intensive Medium is pretty light. I would suggest trying the Spring or the Multi-Tasking. Although, I haven't tried the Tan, so it could be a good one, as well!



Well-known member
k, after ordering many more samples and using up my first full size, I think I've come to the conclusion, that while EM is a very great brand, it's just not for me..
I didn't break out and I like the coverage, but Alima is a better color match for me, all the EM's turned dark on me after a bit..
but I love EM's sample pack service! oh well...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dressedtokill
I'm around there too. I use Golden Medium.

thanks so much. i got my samples today and Golden Medium is one of the shades I order.