Everything you need to know to get a job at Bobbi Brown and other EL companies


Hi all, I was just hired as a full time make up artist for BB so i figured I would share a few details about the interview.

Apply in store or online. Make sure you add ANY sales experience you've had.

If they like you, You'll be called in for an interview. This is the first of about 5.
During the first interview wear all black and be there half an hour early. They have a sign in sheet available for you to mark down when you arrived, but theres also an employee casually sitting around that is also recording your time to see if you lied about your arrival.
The first interview is with HR. they ask basic general questions. If they don't like you this is where you'll stop. If they do like you you'll go on to interview 2.

Interview 2.
You'll meet with the bobbi brown counter manger and speak with him/her. be prepared to answer questions about the brand, history, your favorite product etc. Do well and you'll go on to interview 3 aka the make up demonstration.

Interview 3
Now it should be noted that since I'm a man I didn't have on any make up during my other interview stages, it's possible that if you're wearing make up and they love it you'll bypass this step completely. During my demonstration I did a classic bobbi face, following the pretty powerful guidelines. I had half an hour and the model was provided. If they like your work you'll go on to interview 4.

Interview 4
This was immediately after the demonstration, I had a 45 min long convo with the counter boss. During this interview they want to get to know you better as a worker and artist. DO NOT TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU LOVE MAKE UP (it was really hard for me lol) . Sell yourself, sell your sales experiences, and your ability to work on a team. If you ace this you'll get a quick phone interview scheduling your final interview

Interview 5.

The dreaded talent plus test. This is a basic personality test that measures your strengths and how well you work with others. The interviewer is reading a list of questions with no feeling. Do no be surprised if they sound bored. They may cut you off if you babble on. Keep your answers short and sweet. Provide brief examples. On scaling questions always answer with a 10/10. Sell yourself. talk about your sales experience when ever possible. Some of the possible interview questions are: (i'll bold the ones that were in my interview)

  • Do you consider yourself as a hardworking person?
  • Do you like to work over time?
  • Are you a honest person?
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your ability to teamwork?
  • Do you like to sell things?
  • What was the last thing you have sold?
  • Do you prefer to work alone in the office or do you prefer to work in an open office environment?
  • Do you like to work under pressure?
  • Do you have a tendency to feel stress in work?
  • When was the last time when you felt stressed in the job?
  • Do you think that you are an organized person?
  • When was the last time you came late for work?
  • Why did you come late?
  • What is your opinion about current economic climate?
  • What are your predictions when it comes to the future of our economy?
  • Do you like to talk to the others?
  • Is there any group of people you prefer to communicate with?
  • Do you struggle to communicate with any group of people?
  • Do you like to socialize?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Do you consider yourself as an assertive person?
  • Do you like to talk to strangers?
  • Do you feel good right now?
  • How would you handle the communication with a drunk customer?
  • How would you calm down an aggressive customer?
  • What would you do if the sales are down?
  • Do you consider yourself as a creative person?

When this is over you just wait. In 7 days I received an offer.

I assume this process is similar with other EL companies, but I don't know for sure.

Please let me know if you have any questions. =)

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