ew , my face looks so oily after a few hours. what to do please?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by milamonster
how do you apply the milk of magnesia??

You shake the bottle up and you can just either use a Q-tip or my finger and dab into whatever is on the lid and apply it on your face like a regular primer.

Originally Posted by MissResha
milk of magnesia? you mean like the stuff that makes you sh*t??

Originally Posted by allthatgl1tt3rs
LOL, nooo does it?! I thought people took it for heartburn! I had no idea it was good as a primer though! Wow

I'm pretty sure that it can be used as a laxative if you take enough of it but its usually used in a smaller dosage for heart burn and for stomach irritation.

Originally Posted by abbey_08
i use bolt sheets then reapply powder. i try not to do this too often cos i find it makes my skin produce more oil?! urban decay also does a good blot powder n it comes in a funky purple compact.

I find that it actually helps to blot with a blotting sheet and then reapply powder or else it can leave the powder looking splotchy on your face.

Originally Posted by urbanD0LL
LOL , yeah it's probably the one for stomach issues ...
mattefying moisturizer ? didn't know that existed , that's cool .
i'll use the m.o.m. first and see how that goes , thanks alot girl

Yep, they make mattifying moisturizers! Practically every skincare/cosmetic line has a version of their own. Check makeupalley.com for some good ones with a high rating. I personally haven't found any that I like yet or are compatible with my skin (very sensitive and reacts to almost everything).


Well-known member
Also make sure your cleansing routine is not too harsh. Use products that are specific to your skin type.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
i use bolt sheets then reapply powder.

Palladio makes these awesome blot sheets that are already powdered. they come in all different colors, so you won't look white like some cheapie powdered sheets. i use them religiously! they soak up the oil really well and I find that I have to blot much less often then with those normal unpowdered blot sheets, since the powder from the sheets help to absorb any new oil that could reappear later.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by urbanD0LL
alot of times when i wear make up , (i wear mac studio fix right now ) , i'll go look at myself a few hours later and my face looks so oily, and everything seems all washed out and old or something . it's so disgusting , it's like i should have just not worn make up . BUT sometimes, after a night out , i'll look at myself in the mirror and it looks pretty decent , that's weird . i bought smashbox photo finish light formula (25$ , this better be good lol) , i have not tried it yet and honestly , i just want to wear foundation/powder without having to do anything extra.

girl... studio fix was the first foundation I tried, and it was terrible. in my opinion, studio fix is not an oily girl's best friend. there are so many other brands out there that make amazing matte finish/oil-free foundations that work really well. i personally use Make Up Forever's Mat Velvet +, and it seems to work quite well for me. my sister (also an oily gal!) uses Laura Mercier's Oil-Free Foundation and seems to love it! i top it off with a powder to help soak up any excess oil.

i, myself, did not like Smashbox photo finish (i tried both and had mediocre to bad results). i love Dermadoctor Tease Zone and MUFE All Mat. I switch between the two and have had good results.

For touch ups, I recommend the Palladio Blotting Sheets. Work amazing and handy to just toss in your purse for later! Hope that helps!! =]

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I've had NO issues with oiliness and make up since I started:

-Using steamy hot water when I washed my face, it opens up the pores
-Using Biore's Daily Exfoliator, the beads are big, soft, and round; so it's safe to use it every day as the name suggest [you can never be too sure]
-Putting moisturizer on IMMEDIATELY after getting out of the shower, the pores are still open
-Only putting the moisturizer on lightly
-Using MAC's Matte Gel very sparingly before applying my make up

I only have to touch up my face once, maybe twice if I've been doing a lot of moving around.


Active member
I have oily skin too =(
What has worked for me (even though it adds extra steps to getting ready) is apply moisturizer lightly, then blot with either a powder or papers, then apply primer (I really like Sephora's matte primer- I think that is what it is called), then powder, etc...
If it is any consolation I heard people who have oily skin are less likely to get wrinkles (or alot of them) as they age!


Well-known member
I'm shiny, and tried the Smashbox photofinish light...didn't help with the oilies.

Neither did MAC prep +prime, and neither does Spackle.

I've just resigned myself to the fact that my nose and forehead will always be shiny after about an hour.

Every break I'm touching up with my MSF light powder. I also have the blot powder, but that doesn't really help, either.

And if I blot with those sheets? Shiiiiit, I blot the foundation right off my face, and then I REALLY look a mess.


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