Ex-friend returns :(


Well-known member
I agree with all the other posters - she is the one with the problem and it isn't worth it to talk to people who treat you badly. I love your FOTD's and enjoy seeing your skill in makeup progress - keep them coming!


Well-known member
Sweetie, there will always be people who try to make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Never give anyone that power! You are in the process of a personal metamorphosis, one which takes courage that most of us will never know. Continue your transformation with the grace, dignity, and pride that you have shown and surround yourself with love.

Also, you handled the situation with her with controlled dignity - you go, girl! She might have been born a female, but you're the real lady here!


Well-known member
Thank you Shawna! I think it's hot too. heehee

Thanks giz2000! I'll try to keep "rocking the look"

And thank you SO much, TangoMango! That's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said about me.

I will keep the FOTD's coming, Shavwi! Thanks!

I hope I have the courage for the metamorphosis, KJam! I'm so unsure about it, though I've been giving it a lot of thought lately. Maybe I'll write a thread about it on Specktra? I dunno. But thanks so much for the kind words! "real lady".... lol


Well-known member
What a bitch. Obviously that girl has major insecurities, to be stirring drama up like that out of the blue. I bet she's mad that you have an excellent network of friends that love you and support you in whatever you do, and she's left being an insecure jerk.

Stay strong.