There are 3 MAs that I loooove, and generally if one of them isn't working, I won't buy anything...the first is Diane at the counter in Nordstrom at the Menlo Park mall in NJ. I've known her for YEARS, and I loooooove this woman. She knows me well, knows what I like and don't like, what looks good on me, what doesn't, and she always goes that extra step to ask how I've been doing, how the baby's doing, etc. She's such a sweetie, and always takes time to say hi and give me a hug, even if she's super busy and doing someone's make-up. <3
Then there's Caitlyn (I may have misspelled that...cuz I suck.
) and Brandon at the freestanding store in Columbia Mall, MD. They're always so sweet, and say hi to me and if they're busy, they tell me they'll be right with me (understandably it takes a while, sometimes, but least they acknowledge me). Caitlyn has been "my" MA for a few years now, and she's like Diane, knows what I like, what works, and if something doesn't work for me, she figures out how to fix it (she's the one who came up with the NW powder over NC foundation so I could actually wear SFF). If she's working, I won't let anyone else help me...and I think at this point everyone recognizes me as her client, so they all just say hello and let me know they're not ignoring me. LOL <3
I don't see Brandon as often, but if Caitlyn's not there, I always go to him...he's a sweetie pie, and I love him to death. He's done my makeup a few times, and it's always been really beautiful, and he totally helped me out when I left my makeup bag in Jersey (I couldn't get home for at least another 2-3 weeks...and I can't live without my makeup for that long). I came in to the store freaking out, and he helped me chill, and we picked out the essentials, what I'd need to get by, and even told me when he thought something wasn't necessarily "essential" <3
I tell you...if MAC was full of MAs as wonderful as these three, and the others that I see some of you mentioning, everyone would have an amazing experience, and no one would shop anywhere else ever again. LOL