Exchanging Back 2 Mac + a snooty MA

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I will again give my best advice for these types of situations: People only treat you as badly as you let them.


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Originally Posted by Lauren1981
it's SO crazy reading this because my best friend and i JUST had a conversation about this (snooty MA).
i think some people that get hired onto MAC let it run them instead of being thankful to be part of such a great company, ya kno? like, they feel they can treat people any ole way and that's not cool. furthermore, i'm gonna point out that you live in jersey, i live in ft. lauderdale and am from kansas city. my best friend is from k.c. but had much of her MAC experience while living in san diego and to see that we have ALL experienced this is not a good thing. i used to work at Nordies and was always hittin up the MAC counter. thank God the best people there were also the nicest people there so i only really dealt with them. BUT on staff were 2 of the laziest people i ever met! and rude! they always just blew customers with questions off! like everyone just needed to automatically know exactly what they wanted when they came in. i went there once and this lazy chick, who instead of doing my eyes like i politely asked her to so she could show me how to work these four colors i wanted, proceeded to smear the colors across the back of my hand saying "is this good?" and then before letting me answer askin did i want to buy them. WTF?! LOL! hell naw! i put them back and waited til the next day when my homegirl came back to work and gave her the sale and then some WITH that lazy chick standin right there. she never talked to me again the rest of the time i worked there. i didn't care tho! i wanted her to see that being lazy and rude at a high end make up counter will get you no where real quick!

The attitude you give off probably has something to do with the way you've been treated. I'd suggest working at MAC and dealing what we deal with and then talking. We're expected to be overly kind, mind readers, make people look unrealistic, make people feel beautiful, be a customers "friend", make a very high goal, excute exception make-up in a short time frame, follow all the MAC rules WHILE trying to make an ungreatful customer happy, take verbal abuse, and be treated like we're nothing more then airheads. If you can do such a better job then I welcome you to try.


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Originally Posted by MACForME
Gah- I know who that guy is!!
when the MA was super condescending..but changed her tune real fast (mind you, the damage was WAY done) when I handed over my PPID. Suddenly, she's real nice.. hah.. too little, too late.. beeyotch..

I see this on here a bit and it's actually just the opposite. Whatever sale an artist thought she was getting is now cut by 40%. It used to be 'fun' (for lack of a better term) to get pro card members cause there used to be a time when they were all going to be well versed in makeup but MAC has gotten lax in it's requirements so it's all the same now or perhaps worse (especially when aus was [and starting to be again] a huge concern since a one item sale with a ppid card really used to/can hurt your stats)


Well-known member
I goto 1 mall & 1 free standing MAC. I have an awsome relationship with them. Get to know the MA's there, see which ones u like or don't. I was never treaded badly ever. I agree with Mac Whore, I would never allow anyone to treat me like that, ever.
I'm not trying to come across as a Bit*& at all. Please don't get the wrong impression.

You are a customer, going into a store & spending $. You should rec. good customer service.

If a MAU gives you a product & you don't like it, speak up. It's your money not the ma's.

Everytime I goto my MAC the MA's I deal with come over hug & kiss me. They give me a bunch of things to try on, or they tell me to sit down & they play with different colors, lol.

Build a relationship w/ a couple of MA's & they will start to know what you like & don't like.

As far as being pushed aside. I would have said, i was going to spend over $200 here & you just lost a sale. I want to see your manager now.
I would never allow anyone to treat me like that.
Maybe it's the New Yorker in me LOL


Well-known member
i think you should definitely call the store's manager and let them know how you feel about your experience because if all the MAs were acting shady, then there's something wrong. If one person was mean, maybe they were having a bad day, but there should be no excuse for all of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacylynne
As far as being pushed aside. I would have said, i was going to spend over $200 here & you just lost a sale. I want to see your manager now.
I would never allow anyone to treat me like that.
Maybe it's the New Yorker in me LOL

Why do you think that type of attitude would be received positively? Honestly a $200 sale isn't anything to cry over, that's not rare or special. I get a $400 at least once a day. If I customer said something that stupid to me I'd refuse to ever assist them.

The entire point of this post was about returning a b2m item and to complain about someone. Point is you can't return a free gift! Secondly if this person was so rude then complain to the store manager not on here. This won't change it. But if your going to complain to the store manager then its only fair to tell them you were trying to return a b2m item. If the MA was truly rude it could have been a million reasons - they might not have even realized they were being rude. Hell say something to them directly BUT I advise you regardless of who you address if you do it with the same attitude you've been addressing it on here it will fall on deaf hears and they'll just assume you are yet another crazy customer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
The attitude you give off probably has something to do with the way you've been treated. I'd suggest working at MAC and dealing what we deal with and then talking. We're expected to be overly kind, mind readers, make people look unrealistic, make people feel beautiful, be a customers "friend", make a very high goal, excute exception make-up in a short time frame, follow all the MAC rules WHILE trying to make an ungreatful customer happy, take verbal abuse, and be treated like we're nothing more then airheads. If you can do such a better job then I welcome you to try.

You sound like you really looove your job..really..i mean if it's that bad why work there?..i think most ladies here can relate to not being treated right at a MAC store/counter..i mean if a customer is rude to you, it doesn't mean the next one is..and you said it yourself "The attitude you give off probably has something to do with the way you've been treated"..hmm?..and make people look unrealistic?..i don't think "to look unrealistic" is what people come to for MAC..is that like one of MAC's policy..or your own opinion?..you don't do much of a good job representing your company..Don't get me wrong, i love MAC and i have developed good relationships with some of the MAs i regularly go to..but i've also had experiences when MAs were not very nice..


Well-known member
Don't lower yourself to personal jibes and/or attacks. That applies to everyone.


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The reality is that there are MAs out there who are rude. The reality is that there are customers out there who are rude. I don't want this thread to descend into tit for tat.

What we can do to improve the situation is communicate constructively to promote a better a understanding of what an MA needs and what a customer needs.

It's important that we hear opinions from both sides of the counter in a productive manner.



Well-known member
wow. you must be a snooty MA. if you read thoroughly... not even thoroughly but the actual beginning you'll notice i said "some ma's" which is true. i've noticed the only people that get offended are the ones that it's hitting too close to home with. i love MAC, i love the line, i love the company. i've been asking advice on what it is they're looking for if ever the opportunity to interview comes around. maybe your attitude needs some slight adjustment because you took this to heart. like seriously. lol. if i were trying to bash ALL ma's i wouldn't be on this website, wearing the line, or attempting to work at a counter once the freeze is over. what i said pertains to any and everybody in retail sweetheart. i've done it for four + years so i do know what i speak. nobody expects anything out of you other than what your job trains you to do. you must have had a bad day before reading this or it's happened to you recently. i remember years ago working at nordstrom when i would jump to conclusions and get super defensive like you. you know, the whole "come do what i do for a day and see how you do!". lol! trust me sweetie, been there, done that, corrected it. and that was when my attitude needed a serious adjustment. i'm seeing the same thing in you. the attitude i give off? i'm sorry but did you assist me in shopping? or better yet, were you even there?? so i would suggest you chill out a little. i'm not on here to debate. what i say is my opinion and i can say what i please, whenever i please. i spoke about some people i worked at nordstrom with and if i have a story similar, if not IDENTICAL to someone else's then i will feel more than free to comment on it. if i've experienced that as well my friend AND the person who actually POSTED THIS and i want to share my experience i will do so. your response is beyond ridiculous and probably came about due to some negative situation you experienced recently. i hope everything gets better for you. don't let others effect your day outside of work. have fun. it's retail. it happens.
have a nice day!

treated like an airhead? did that happen to you? you shouldn't let anyone make you feel that way. that's not a good look ;-) i would like to assume from the "things" you say you put up with that you may be a nice MA but you seemed to have taken A LOT so maybe the attitude you give off has a lot to do with that. i don't know ANY MA (and i know PLENTY) who have received any verbal abuse. the only people in retail in general who i've seen encounter verbal abuse from a customer are the ones who brought it on themselves.

Originally Posted by amoona
The attitude you give off probably has something to do with the way you've been treated. I'd suggest working at MAC and dealing what we deal with and then talking. We're expected to be overly kind, mind readers, make people look unrealistic, make people feel beautiful, be a customers "friend", make a very high goal, excute exception make-up in a short time frame, follow all the MAC rules WHILE trying to make an ungreatful customer happy, take verbal abuse, and be treated like we're nothing more then airheads. If you can do such a better job then I welcome you to try.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
wow. you must be a snooty MA. if you read thoroughly... not even thoroughly but the actual beginning you'll notice i said "some ma's" which is true. i've noticed the only people that get offended are the ones that it's hitting too close to home with. i love MAC, i love the line, i love the company. i've been asking advice on what it is they're looking for if ever the opportunity to interview comes around. maybe your attitude needs some slight adjustment because you took this to heart. like seriously. lol. if i were trying to bash ALL ma's i wouldn't be on this website, wearing the line, or attempting to work at a counter once the freeze is over. what i said pertains to any and everybody in retail sweetheart. i've done it for four + years so i do know what i speak. nobody expects anything out of you other than what your job trains you to do. you must have had a bad day before reading this or it's happened to you recently. i remember years ago working at nordstrom when i would jump to conclusions and get super defensive like you. you know, the whole "come do what i do for a day and see how you do!". lol! trust me sweetie, been there, done that, corrected it. and that was when my attitude needed a serious adjustment. i'm seeing the same thing in you. the attitude i give off? i'm sorry but did you assist me in shopping? or better yet, were you even there?? so i would suggest you chill out a little. i'm not on here to debate. what i say is my opinion and i can say what i please, whenever i please. i spoke about some people i worked at nordstrom with and if i have a story similar, if not IDENTICAL to someone else's then i will feel more than free to comment on it. if i've experienced that as well my friend AND the person who actually POSTED THIS and i want to share my experience i will do so. your response is beyond ridiculous and probably came about due to some negative situation you experienced recently. i hope everything gets better for you. don't let others effect your day outside of work. have fun. it's retail. it happens.
have a nice day!

treated like an airhead? did that happen to you? you shouldn't let anyone make you feel that way. that's not a good look ;-) i would like to assume from the "things" you say you put up with that you may be a nice MA but you seemed to have taken A LOT so maybe the attitude you give off has a lot to do with that. i don't know ANY MA (and i know PLENTY) who have received any verbal abuse. the only people in retail in general who i've seen encounter verbal abuse from a customer are the ones who brought it on themselves.

I have to disagree with this. I have seen plenty of MAs/SAs that have received verbal abuse without bringing it on themselves. I worked with a deaf girl who didn't notice a customer approaching her jewelry counter right away, and the customer went ballistic...She had to wait over 5 secs! The nerve! She also complained to store management, about "how could they hire stupid disabled people that can't help customers properly." There are just some people who are a waste of skin. People in the service industry are abused all the time when they are just trying to help. Also, I have worked in regular retail and at a cosmetic counter and I think there are different experiences to be had.

I think what Amoona's point is that it goes both ways. Like MacWhore said there are butthole MAs and butthole customers. Some people just have a shitty attitude. Of course I am not referring to anyone in particular, just people in general.

I would also like to add that when I see numerous complaints online, sometimes I feel it's not fair to the MA in question b/c they are not here to defend themselves. Maybe that's why MAs chime in on here...to have their back so to speak.


Well-known member
Again, enough of the personal attacks. Specktra is not the place for that kind of BS.

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