Extras when you swap??


Well-known member
I am about to do my first swap for MUA and I want to throw in an extra or two. The only thing is I've never swapped before so I have no clue what to put in. Please help! What do you usually send as extras?


Well-known member
Pigment samples are an idea. If you don't want to use a container, tiny clear plastic bags (you can get them at craft stores) are good to use for the free samples.


Well-known member
u might get better results by posting in here


Well-known member
Pigment samples are a good idea and people love those. I usually throw in samples I've gotten from counters etc. along the way but sometimes I also send non cosmetic items like cute hair bands or barrettes, stickers, flavored tea bags, single serve flavored hot cocoas, chocolates....all kinds of things can be used. Just think of things you'd like to receive! Keep in mind the weather though-sending right now I'd avoid anything meltable like chocolate.


Well-known member
i send pigment samples, perfume, shower gel, lotion, shampoo samples etc., and other cute sample things i get in the mail or pick up from stores


Well-known member
I agree with the above suggestions, but I also try to check out wishlists and notepads and see if I can't find a trial size of something or at least a similar type of item to what they've got listed
After years of swapping, I ended up with a lot of great extras that I had no use for, so now I try to be more thoughtful when sending extras, and in my experience what goes around definitely comes around! When I posted on my MUA notepad that I was pregnant, I got all kinds of really generous and surprisingly appropriate goodies.. DVDs, even! I <3 MUA.


Well-known member
various beauty product samples. that's what i usually send. some people send candy, tea bags, trial size items, mini soaps, barettes, bracelettes, etc. lots of people on mua specify what they like to get and what they don't like to get. lots of people have sensitivities or allergies.


Staff member
I agree with the above also... I try and hang on to any samples I won't use. Also, you might want to check out Bargain Hunters as alot of freebies are posted there that you can get on the internet. You couild do some of those and save them for future swaps when they arrive!


something small - pigment samples, toe seperators. I usually don't use my extras so don't worry about if you can't find anything!


Well-known member
I like to use pigment samples, perfume samples, chocolates or I have a look on people's notepad to figure out what they'd like.


Well-known member
i tend to include pigment samples as extras most often, and sometimes empties for back to mac


Well-known member
im a crazy sample collector. i love when i get trial sized stuff in the mail! so id love to get those kinda extras and im sure that other ladies would too. one time on ebay i ordered a msf sample, i only paid $2.51 altogether and the girl was such a sweetie, she included a thank you note and several small fruit candies. soo cute!