Originally Posted by YOOTOPiA i wouldn't suggest doing it during a vacation. typically there's two types of procedures now laser and good ol' cutting. anyhow most of my friends who have had this surgery have had the cutting type. basically they'll slit your eyelids, grab some fat and snip it off and then sew the skin of your lids back together. you'll be stitched up twice, once with a permenant thread and once with a temporary one that will be removed in 3 days. you're going to be bruised or swollen for at least 2-3 weeks. the look of the eye usually won't even look normal til at least 3 months (due to swelling and such). you want to have the procedure done at home during vacation or at least some where locally where you can recheck up with your doctor to see how the healing/progress is going. it's a simple operation, done within the day. they give you giant elephant shots around the eyes and i believe your arms too. you're awake during the whole process and you get to go home the same day. also, if you still consider doing the surgery on your vacation make sure its at a sterile place with real doctors. plastic surgeons can be dentists... make sure you know they're history, references, recommendations etc. and ask many, many questions. oh and research first. but yeah... i personally don't believe in eyelid surgery but for those who opted to do so, i would say 3 out of 4 came out very nicely. there's always one person here and there where you can DEFINITELY tell and just feel bad for such a botched job. dont' forget the risk of blindness and disfiguration. weigh your options, but ultimately its what will make you feel better. (from what i've heard it hurts but not too bad, you'll be stuck with hats and sunglasses for awhile) |
Originally Posted by SonRisa My whole thing is whyyyy do you want to change your eyes?!? I guess I just never understood surgery for a purely cosmetic reason. My friends who want boob jobs tell me I'll never understand because I have a D cup. I *do* want plastic/cosmetic surgery, but I want a breast reduction because it's a pain for my back - that's the only reason. I cannot fathom why anyone would want to permanently change their appearance (unless you look like one of those extreme makeover chicks who's been teased all your life for looking like a troll or something). There's nothing WRONG with your eyes. They're not abnormal. Asian eyes are my absolute favorite to do because there's so much more room to work with and so many styles to play with. And even that statement annoys me because there isn't just one style of asian eyes. I guess I just meant I love doing eyes that have no visible crease. I don't know . . . I wouldn't do it if I were you. I've seen so many mishaps with cosmetic surgery on the women I work on and it's just not worth it IMO. I say love yourself for who you are, and anyone who's not happy with the way YOU look, needs to go fuck themselves. And anyway, differences, flaws and imperfections are what give us character ![]() |
Originally Posted by shygirl I'm so glad you asked this question! I'm considering getting an eyelift as well. I was born several months premature and was left with deafness and ptosis (aka 'lazy eye'). I'd like to have this done because the older I get, the more my eyelid seems to close. I wish I had Paris Hilton's 'don't give a fk attitude' about her eyes but it's also really affecting my vision and lens costs. I've been reading that the patient is wide awake while the procedure is done?! I'd fkn die if I can see a scalpel coming near my eye! |
Originally Posted by vloky Oh ok, I was picturing no eyelids at all and was thinking of a painful life full of eye drops and goggles and no eye shadow. Um. It is possible.. I get it now though. |