Eyeliner recommendation


I am 100% new to this so I apologize for the newbness. During the week I normally wear just mascara and eyeliner, rarely shadow because I work in a conservative government office. I am looking for a bronzey/metallic brown eyeliner. Can anyone suggest a good one from MAC (or elsewhere, if it exists?) that is not hard as a rock yet lasts? I wear it on both my upper lash line and my waterline where I notice the current eyeliner I have on disappears by the end of the work day. I'd prefer a stick eyeliner so I can throw it in my bag and take it with me. Otherwise I would have checked out Fluidline a LONG time ago! ;-P



Well-known member
I am in LOVE with MAC Powerpoint Eyepencil in Buried Treasure. When applied directly (no smudging) it is a deep dark bronzey brown. When smudged lightly with a liner brush, the 'buried treasure' actually comes out-- there are the tiniest gold flecks that shimmer out, but not so glittery that it looks like a disco ball. I love that this lightens your eyes without obvious glitter, just a shimmer! I would give it a try at your nearest MAC counter!
BTW, this stuff lasts all day, and slips off easliy with any makeup remover or cleansing wash for face.


Well-known member
MAC Fluidline: in Brassy, Richground
MAC Technakohl Eyeliner: in Brownborder
MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil: Bountiful Brown


Well-known member
I'd suggest trying MUFE's Aqua Eyes (formerly pearly waterproof eye pencil) in #02L Pearly Brown, #05L Bronze Green, #10L Copper, or #19L Light Brown. These are buttery smooth to apply, are waterproof and last very well on the waterline.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by saniyairshad
MAC Fluidline: in Brassy, Richground
MAC Technakohl Eyeliner: in Brownborder
MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil: Bountiful Brown

I agree, I love Bountiful Brown and Richground!

Also check out graphic brown fluidline if you can find it -- it's gorgeous

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