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This is a great tut. I don't think I could get the dot thing to work with the angled brush I'm used to using.. hmm.. maybe I'll try with a small pointy one.
I was almost sure I had seen you post something like this before. Did you redo it, or am I experiencing some kind of forum based deja vu?
I can cat eye my left eye perfectly. But when it comes to doing the other, it never looks even or even remotely how I want it. Any TIPS for this problem??
LOve Love LOVE LOOOOOOOVE your blog! woooow!
And now- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ONE! After probably 10 years of giving up of eyeliners finally this! Got it after one try!
Great tut! I can never seem to get my upper eye liner done nicely so I'm going to practice this until I perfect it =)
Btw, I love the colours you used in your final pic!