eyeshadow not lasting !!


Active member
Im not sure if this has been asked before,but lately i have been having really bad allergies and my eyes are continuosly watery. this messes up my eye makeup (which i spend a lot of time on).. is there anything i can do to help my makeup last longer ? better yet do u guys know of anything that will help my eyes from being so watery???


Well-known member
If you're not already using an allergy medicine, I would definitely recommend trying that. When my allergies are at their worst, I use 2 different kinds - Flonase and Claritin...and sometimes that doesn't even help the watering. But I have a lot fewer days where my eyes bother me.


Active member
yea i use udpp and i use both waterproof eyeliner & mascara... my problem is that when my eyes get watery it gets into my crease on my eyelid (i hope im explaining it right) which causes my eyeshadow to crease, fad away & get all ugly... i use claritin plus visine drops for allergies but it hasn't helped much. it just gets so frusterating to do my makeup and within an hour it gets ruined
... sometimes i feel like its not even worth putting effort into my makeup


Well-known member
If your eye problem is definitely from allergies, hun, you should ask your doctor to put you on Pataday (I think that's how you spell it...I could be wrong). My mom has AWFUL allergies, worse than me, and her eyes would get all watery, itchy, red, swollen, and dry at the same time...her doctor put her on that stuff (Pataday is eye drops, BTW), and once she started using it, she was golden.