The Starflash collection is packaged differently for some reason. Instead of the "CH" being in the very bottom of the compact, it's stamped into some of the black trays you pop out that hold the metal tin when depotting. Out of at least 10 done, at least 5 had that "CH" in a different place them normal. The ones that are A38 are like this and a pain to get the glue off despite being from a CCO.
Colour Collections from I think 2007.....syrene78 would probably know time period exact, is different too. The black tray that holds the metal tin into the compact contains numbers like 21, 24 or 22 etched in the back. The area you melt through has one of these numbers almost etched in where it looks like an exacto knife was used and a child did it. Very scribble scrawled but all authentic. Alum & Daisychain are from CCO and Parrot is packaged like them so I'm happy.
Why do they change up packaging sometimes? By the time I've got golden sheen, CH always in the bottom, single hinge and stickers down, there's series that throw me for a loop. I'm hoping with the new packaging, fakers can't keep up with it where we don't have to become scientists to enjoy our eyeshadows. It's aggravating but some people have to buy from an outside source to even have a collection and we know price hike = more people buying on Ebay.