Eyeshadow PACKAGING comparison - Authentic vs. Counterfeit (Pic heavy!) April 2008


Well-known member
These are ALL fake but I just wanted to show the layout of the labels on the bottom of the pots. Please do NOT use this method to determine whether eyeshadows are fake or not!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Bar code labels CAN be different and that shouldn't throw you off unless they're ALL THE SAME for DIFFERENT shades.

Eyeshadows do come in 2 different weights, 1.3g and 1.5g. The tray (that holds the eyeshadow pan) SHOULD be smooth and not matt-like, if you know what I mean.

With the pictures of the boxes, I just wanted to show the entire thing, including the printing, rather than just the front shot of the boxes. If you look more closely, the boxes have different textures, ie shinier, and "blacker" (if that's a word! hehe). Fake boxes tend to scratch EASILY.

As for underneath of the pot, there SHOULD be the tiny flecks of gold sheen and the middle is slightly raised. The direction of the labels should NOT be used to determine whether the eyeshadows are fake. Ok, just pulled out my fake stash (Thank Julie!!!) and noticed that ALL the fakes' labels have a set way of placing labels BUT that still doesn't mean you can use label directions to determine whether its fake or not!

It's just like the pigments with the printed and stamped batch codes on the labels under the jar, some eyeshadows are the same.

Thank you so much for your reply! With this information I think that I can conclude that mine are all authentic. I read the whole "eBay sellers/fakers to avoid"-thread, and I discovered that all my products have been purchased by sellers praised here on Spektra - and I didn't even know of this forum until recently. I feel like I've been watched over by the MAC-angel, or something!


Again, thank you so much for doing a guide like this. I feel much relief now that I'm 99.8% sure that my fast-growing collection is the real thing, even if I've bought it all on eBay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jrm
Let's hope, if they have resolved the indented to smooth pans issue that the quality of the actual packaging remains quite different.

The 'scratch test' is always one of my favs - if the box is easily scratched to make a mark with the lightest touch of the back of a fingernail, then it's probably a genuine MAC box. Of course, that doesn't stop then putting counterfeit products inside a genuine box!

There's also the differences in the indentations in the backs of the plastic pans and the numbering on them, the numbering inside the tray that are usual differentiators.

Anyways - I'm not sure they'll be able to pick up all of the changes and consistencies with a legitimate product whilst maintaining a cheap cost that means that the counterfeiters make a good profit. But - who knows?

Isn't it the other way round? If the box scratches or marks very easily it's more than likely NOT a genuine MAC box?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X_SiN_X
Isn't it the other way round? If the box scratches or marks very easily it's more than likely NOT a genuine MAC box?

From what I recall, every counterfeit MAC product I've received, the box has marked very easily (even running the back of fingernail across it lightly), whilst the genuine MAC products over the counter would not mark at all.

Can anyone else confirm? I'm fairly sure, but unfortunately I'm at work or I'd double check that I haven't gotten confused ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jrm
From what I recall, every single box I've received from over MAC counter have marked very easily (even running the back of fingernail across it lightly), whilst the non-genuine ones wouldn't mark at all.

Can anyone else confirm? I'm fairly sure, but unfortunately I'm at work or I'd double check that I haven't gotten confused ...

I believe it is the FAKE boxes that mark and scratch easily, because my mac boxes purchased directly from the nordstrom's counter, do NOT scratch easily. If I kept scratching them continuosly to absolutely make a mark on them, I could, but it is not easy to mark up an authentic box. IMO. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this thought


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macluvermre
I believe it is the FAKE boxes that mark and scratch easily, because my mac boxes purchased directly from the nordstrom's counter, do NOT scratch easily. If I kept scratching them continuosly to absolutely make a mark on them, I could, but it is not easy to mark up an authentic box. IMO. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this thought

Thanks for catching that -- you're absolutely right! I had mixed them up when I wrote it down in my post (which is really weird cos I had it the right way around in my head!).

I've updated my earlier post with the correct information



Active member
I bought a few e/s on ebay back in '06 that are questionable (raised dots, no dimple, etc). Anyone know what the chances were of getting an incredibly authentic looking fake back in '06 (LE collections only, none of the shades are on the list of known fakes)? I don't want to depot them unless I absolutely have to (and by the sound of it, that wouldn't tell me much anyway). Thanks!


Well-known member
So, are all the ones with the printed batch codes are fake?

Eeek! I have a crap ton like that.

Meh. Nevermind. Just checked some of my authentics (bought from mac and nordies) they have to batch codes like that too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cloudsweare
So, are all the ones with the printed batch codes are fake?

Eeek! I have a crap ton like that.

Meh. Nevermind. Just checked some of my authentics (bought from mac and nordies) they have to batch codes like that too.

Yeah I think before Mac was using the sticker bar codes but I notice the recent stuff I bought from them they have the bar codes printed on the box


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starburstisl
Refering to the letter from mac, doesn't it mean pro-pan eyeshadows and depotted eyeshadows are different right??

Whew... I just spent an hour re-reading a bunch of the e/s comparison threads, and I've been wanting to ask this question, and I don't believe its actually been cleared up by MAC (or that I can find anyway); In the letter from MAC, it says that "PRO-Eyeshadows are manufactured with a smooth underside";

Does anyone know for sure, if MAC was strictly referring to the Pro-pan refills?? or if Mac can confirm that the pans are one-in-the-same??

Ugh, I have a headache... I just wish we could have a clear-cut answer from MAC. Don't they have anyone on their board that cares about this counterfeit issue!??


Well-known member
The Starflash collection is packaged differently for some reason. Instead of the "CH" being in the very bottom of the compact, it's stamped into some of the black trays you pop out that hold the metal tin when depotting. Out of at least 10 done, at least 5 had that "CH" in a different place them normal. The ones that are A38 are like this and a pain to get the glue off despite being from a CCO.

Colour Collections from I think 2007.....syrene78 would probably know time period exact, is different too. The black tray that holds the metal tin into the compact contains numbers like 21, 24 or 22 etched in the back. The area you melt through has one of these numbers almost etched in where it looks like an exacto knife was used and a child did it. Very scribble scrawled but all authentic. Alum & Daisychain are from CCO and Parrot is packaged like them so I'm happy.

Why do they change up packaging sometimes? By the time I've got golden sheen, CH always in the bottom, single hinge and stickers down, there's series that throw me for a loop. I'm hoping with the new packaging, fakers can't keep up with it where we don't have to become scientists to enjoy our eyeshadows. It's aggravating but some people have to buy from an outside source to even have a collection and we know price hike = more people buying on Ebay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
Whew... I just spent an hour re-reading a bunch of the e/s comparison threads, and I've been wanting to ask this question, and I don't believe its actually been cleared up by MAC (or that I can find anyway); In the letter from MAC, it says that "PRO-Eyeshadows are manufactured with a smooth underside";

Does anyone know for sure, if MAC was strictly referring to the Pro-pan refills?? or if Mac can confirm that the pans are one-in-the-same??

Ugh, I have a headache... I just wish we could have a clear-cut answer from MAC. Don't they have anyone on their board that cares about this counterfeit issue!??

Um, not sure what the problem is but ALL MAC e/s have smooth pans, doesnt matter if they are pro or not... I think MAC was referring to the pro pans being unpotted, rather than inferring that potted pans were not smooth. I have personally never seen a non smooth potted pan and I have depotted hundreds of authentic MAC eyeshadows - literally.

In any case the counterfeiters are now using smooth pans as well, the quality of the pan is still crap though and easily idetified as fake if you have already seen authentic pans to compare to. They often have a glue stain in the metal itself even after the glue has been cleaned off, and like the shitty boxes we have all seen then pans scratch pretty easily as well...LOL!


New member
i have to disagree with the pic of the lid's hinge saying that the genuine article has a smooth bump on the hinge as i have a MAC store bought one that is not smooth edged.


Well-known member
I have a quick question about the boxes of the eyeshadows...

I recently bought two eyeshadows from my-boo-kitty off ebay (she is highly regarded from what I can tell) but when I got them, the names of the shadow were printed on the box, and the barcodes were as well. I depotted them to see if the pans had the ridge but they were smooth like the authentic ones. I scrutinised the boxes, pans, and containers and they seem genuine.

The colours were Violet Trance and Off the Page from the recent Makeup Art Collection. The box also says they were made in Canada. Has anyone bought these colours from a MAC store and found the same thing?

The colours seem to be correct (from comparing them to online swatches) and the pay off is consistent with what people are saying (VT not great payoff and better payoff for Off the Page).....


I've been trying to find some pics of real vs fake eyeshadow refills. I just received a refill pan of signed sealed from ebay, and it sure looks real, but I would love to know...will post some pics if I can figure out how


ok maybe it is the devil in me that is asking this question but here goes.

what is MAC currently doing to educate their employees on how to spot counterfeit products? I can easily buy a bunch of fake eyeshadows (they come from a supplier, im guessing the more you buy the cheaper it is) and just B2M them? How can the employees know that the packaging is fake and refuse the B2M?

*im assuming that you can get a large amount of fakes for cheap because these wholesale warehouses usually operate on a the-more-you-buy-the-cheaper-it-is policy.