Face Chart Talk!!


Alright Artists!! There's an old thread on this but I thought it should be revived! I'm an artist for MAC and the better I get at making face charts the more I love doing them! I've learned everything from my amazing co workers and because there is an infinite amount of different techniques, I thought having a thread would be very helpful!! Lets keep this thread alive and share your knowledge to help each other out!!

Some of my habits:

Fast response as a base for the eyes, makes for better blending and more color payoff

Prep and prime translucent powder all over the face chart will fill in the tiny ridges and help blush look smoother

I hold my face chart upside down when I apply the lid color with a 252 or 242, it makes blending up a lot easier for me.

I usually apply blush with a 190 brush

I draw the eyebrows with a pencil before going in with a 266 brush to fill them in

I prefer using the gloss lacquer wand cut with scissors to get it thin for lashes (the bristles are softer than liquid last wand)
Re-dip the wand into Boot Black after every single stroke to avoid fuzzy lashes
Mix a tiny amount of cleanse off oil into Boot Black for a slicker application


There are SO many different brushes, bases, techniques! Knowing what YOU do would be an immense help to anyone who loves or hates face charts, wants to improve or is struggling with them!!

How do you feel about face charts?


Well-known member
Going to have to try fast response eye cream as an eye base on the chart and prep + prime transparent finishing powder!

I learned to use pearl cream color base as the base for everything


Well-known member
I use Gesso as the base for the eyeshadow. It works wonders.

my 190(blush), 242, and 219 are my best friend.

i use the 190 for blush and hold the paper upside down while doing it, i find it easier.

i pencil in the eyebrow hairs first, then color in with a 266 and whatever shadow color for the brows

for the lips, i use a 318. whatever lipstick i had designated for that look, i apply only to the outer edges of the lip, and i use a similar, but lighter shade lipstick filling in the lip because it always goes down darker on paper than on a person. then i leave part of the very center parts of the lips white to make it look glossy and more dimensional


Well-known member
Do y'all have any techniques for drawing the lashes? I can make AMAZING facecharts, but I cant get the lashes right and it absolutely kills the entire thing :[


Well-known member
you can try Lolli's technique, i just use boot black with a regular liquid liner applicator


Well-known member
oh ahah..yeah that sucks when u do a chart so beautifully then jack it up with lashes...all i can say is keep practicing...make some copies on regular paper so you dont waste the nice paper and just practice lashes over and over


I also struggled a lot with lashes until I asked my manager to walk me through the process.. I don't think I could've learned any other way.. I learned that even the positioning of your arm and the direction you're holding the facechart is important when it comes to lashes, and it's "all in the wrist" lol

I trace a little along the liner before flicking the wand out for the lash.. I generally only use two fingers to hold the wand.. it really does become a wrist thing. and I always hold the face chart horizontally.

and LC brought up a great point that took me a long time to realize lol.. you're going to have to lie on the colors you use some times! colors that look light in the pot will be darker on paper so use vanilla instead of bamboo, samoa silk instead of rule, omega instead of cork, etc. brule also makes a great crease color. and vanilla is a great color to shade the face if you want her to be pale!!

I'd really love to make one of those realistic looking face charts.. any tips??

Thanks for all the tips guys, I can never get enough! keep em comin! and I'm going to try to post a face chart I've been working on soon.. it may even be my first ever look book approved face chart.. I've been working for the company for 7 months but I just started getting the hang of this!

La Dolce Diva

Well-known member
Thanks for sharing! Definitely gonna try the Fast Response for eyes and the 190 for blush.

I usually use Cream Colour Base for eyes (luna? the white one?) as a base. I like a 224 for blush/contouring the face (usually with something like Wedge or Saddle).

I just learned to use Boot Black applicators to do eye brows!!!! That changed my life!!!! lol

I use q-tips for lips because they help me to not use too much lip product and to blend well. HTH!


Well-known member
To make the eyeballs look more real, I like to use the clear nail lacquer once I've colored in the iris. Then I'll wait a few minutes until it's dry, and apply another thick coat. This works even better if the polish is a little bit old, so that it's thicker.
Oh, also I like to use liquid last liners to color in the iris and pupil, because when I apply the clear nail lacquer, they don't smudge!

You can also use it on top of the lips to give them a super glossy effect!

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
i just got back from basic and found something that helped me NAIL the lashes!
ready????? BOOT BLACK with the oil m/u remover! about 2/3 BB and 1/3rd remover.


Well-known member
Damn it's been a very long time since I touched a face chart. A lot of the tips have already been mentioned but here are some additional ones that I can remember.

  • Use Fascinating eyeliner on the lips as "shine spots" by smudging one/two small spots on the lips. Finish them off with clear nail lacquer which creates the shine of gloss.
  • For dramatic looks or for a crisp crease look we use to make "stencils". Basically we'd take a quarter and trace it to create a half circle. We'd use that as a stencil and create tons of different looks and creases. It also made the face chart process much quicker.