*Fafi Budget*


Well-known member
So the BIG day is almost here ladies and gents. I know some of you had itchy fingers and went ahead and bought Fafi online.
I couldn't possibly wait that long for shipping nor could I buy products without seeing it firsthand. What is your Fafi budget?
I am keeping it under $100.

I want:
Hipness Blush
Fashion Frenzy Blush
Utterly Frivolous l/s - B2M (hopefully)
Strawbaby l/s - B2M ""
High Top l/s - B2M ""
Girls Will Be Girls n/l
Boom n/l

Haha just nearly 100!
Hopefully I change my mind about a few things once I swatch it on my skin.


Well-known member
Mine was actuall about $130. I did the same with the N collection. I had a BIG laundry list of things I HAD to have. Got them in the mail and hated all but a paint pot and Warmed MSF. Hopefully that happens again.
My wallet needs a break!


Well-known member
Well my birthday is Friday. So I asked for a MAC gift card (like I do for every occasion) and I'm not sure if I'll get one. I'm not planning on it.

I figure this will be my birthday gift to myself. I told myself no more than $150 on Fafi.
I have already ordered:
*Not So Innocent l/s
*Utterly Frivolous l/s
*Sugar Trance l/g
$42 altogether.

When I go to MAC Friday, I want to see Hipness blush, Fafi Eyes 1, Strawbaby l/s, Cult Fave l/g, I'm really considering a paint pot but I'm not sure. And I'm looking at Sassed up powder and a makeup bag. But I don't plan on getting all of that. It depends on how certain things look.

I'm trying to be realistic...because I think I'll like Heatherette way more than Fafi. I spent like $130 on the N collection...
(I didn't know that...)


Well-known member
Yeah I know what you mean. I have to see it in person and be IN LOVE with it.
Im wondering about the paint pots myself but I have so many to begin with its like how much more do you need, one of every color? lol Cash Flow and Girl Friendly look really pretty though and Girl Friendly reminds me of Neutral Pink from the N collection. I think it would make a great base for that e/s. I am glad I didn't spend a whole lot on the N collection. I only bought Neutral Pink, 3N l/s and 4N l/g. More for Fafi and Heatherette!

Im not too keen on the iridescent powders either, as I never liked them to begin with. I don't like glitter all around my face.

O and the quads don't appeal to me either.


Well-known member
Hey Ladies!!!
I had to splurge and get the entire collection (an early birthday, Valentines Day, and anniversary gift). I have to say that I am completely satisfied
I even had to purchase some beauty powder back-ups after trying them out.


Well-known member
My list:

Strawbaby l/s (B2M)
Utterly Frivolous l/s (B2M)
Flash N Dash l/s (B2M)
Not So Innocent l/s (B2M)
Fafi Eyes 1
Fafi Eyes 2
Cult Fave l/g
Sugar Trance l/g
Squeeze It l/g
Rollickin' PP
Girl Friendly PP
Cash Flow PP
Perky PP
Hipness blush
Fashion Frenzy
T Shirt

So with tax....$271.98. I know this is sad, but I REALLY tried to cut back!

Not getting any IPPs...I love the MSFs and I don't want glitter all over my face!!!


Well-known member
$130, but after seeing vids/swatches online, I'm only itching for 3 Fafi
If anything, I love the paint pots more in this collection.


Well-known member
I have around £100 budget and I want..

Utterly Frivolous l/s
Stawbaby l/s
Squeeze it l/g
Sugar trance l/g
Fafi eyes 2
Fashion Frenzy Blush
Sassed up

Haha I think I might be sligthly over


Well-known member
The good news for me is that I am not that drawn in by Heatherette or any of the upcoming collections so I'm going all out on this one! I think my list totals about $250. But it may go down since I'm waiting to see the paint pots, blushes and powders in person. The lips and quads are mine though!


Well-known member
Well, it started out $130.00....then I went back & ordered Flash N Dash l/s & then went back again and ordered Hipness blush...so, more than I wanted to spend...geesh

2-utterly frivolous
fun n sexy
flash n dash
cult fave
sugar trance
totally it
210 brush
new viva glam SE gloss


Well-known member
Thank goodness for my Pro Card. But I am going to order the tote, small bag and doll on line or via the 1800 and get the make up on friday.


Sucks that I haven't gotten my pcard ... I'm planning on getting the whole collection and so its gonna be a lil over $400.


Well-known member
I would like to spend about $200 but realistically I might spend $125. I don't know. I have to see it in person. I may love it all and I may be underwhelmed. I just never know until I get there so it's hard for me to budget.


Well-known member
I am always a sucker for special packaging. It is so cute. I couldn't resist and got the entire collection that had special packaging. when Fafi comes here, I will check out the paintpots when they get here and may pick up a couple. I spent around $449 plus tax and shipping.

I can't wait till my mom comes here next week and brings my stuff.


Well-known member
so i guess my boyfriend's wallet is going to be hurting because i'm getting
sugar trance l/g
totally it l/g
squeeze it l/g
rollickin perky nice vice p/p
utterly frivolous, high top, fun and sexy l/s
fashion frenzy blush
hipness blush
fafi eyes 1 & 2
ermine and monoka
the tote bag
and the scarf
a wee bit over $300...i don't feel so bad bcus it's mainly for "Work"


Well-known member
Eh. I'm trying to build up my "basic" makeup, and Fafi isn't really about that! so right now I'm looking at:

Utterly Frivolous l/s

...yep, that's it
and possibly Fun n' Sexy l/s if it looks all right in person, but pinks either look wonderful or heinous on me so I'm not taking the chance and buying online.


Well-known member
well i ended up with

Fafi Eyes 2 36.00
Sassed Up 21.00
Mini Bag 15.00
scarf 15.00
Sugar Trance 14.00
Cult Fave 14.00
Perky paint pot 16.50
nice vice paint pot 16.50
cash flow paint pot 16.50
fascinating eye kohl 13.50
Fafinette Doll Monoka 9.00

187.00+8.375% tax= $202.66

Wait, i dont know if my order for the scarf online went thru or not, so add another $17.00 to that lol, well, I'll have 2 scarves if it did

Didn't think I'd end up getting this much, and to think i still may want a blush :-x lol

Heatherette will be lower i know for a fact tho lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsButterfli
well i ended up with

Fafi Eyes 2 36.00
Sassed Up 21.00
Mini Bag 15.00
scarf 15.00
Sugar Trance 14.00
Cult Fave 14.00
Perky paint pot 16.50
nice vice paint pot 16.50
cash flow paint pot 16.50
fascinating eye kohl 13.50
Fafinette Doll Monoka 9.00

187.00+8.375% tax= $202.66

Wait, i dont know if my order for the scarf online went thru or not, so add another $17.00 to that lol, well, I'll have 2 scarves if it did

Didn't think I'd end up getting this much, and to think i still may want a blush :-x lol

Heatherette will be lower i know for a fact tho lol

omg tax is a bitch for you!! I am happy that it's only 5% here.