*Fafi Budget*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sexychefva804
omg tax is a bitch for you!! I am happy that it's only 5% here.

Fafi Doll: Ermine $9
Fun n' Sexy: $14
Strawbaby: $14
Totally It: $14
Sugar Trance: $14
Rollickin': $16.50
Mini Fafi Bag: $15
Scarf: $15

Subtotal US$111.50
Tax US$9.20
Total US$120.70

Tax is a bitch for me too: 8.25%


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sexychefva804
omg tax is a bitch for you!! I am happy that it's only 5% here.

lolol yeah man, NYC will make u or break u lol


Well-known member
NYC costs suck lol. I went to the hair show last year and spent $5 ON A SODA. ridiculous

and I thought our tax was bad lol (7%)


Well-known member
Yeah, Chicago sucks too. It's 9% here. And then there are additional taxes for shopping downtown or buying certain types of products.


Well-known member
Mine was $200. o_O

But hey you girls are complaing about tax, look at the Australian MAC prices!!!


Well-known member
I spent $195 Singapore dollars... which is... US$138 and got:

Perky, Girl Friendly, Layin Low PP
Hipness, Fashion Frenzy Blush
Fun n Sexy (B2M)

Gah, totally blew my budget for Feb!

Plus, I received two sheets of Fafi stickers, what will I do with these?


Well-known member
lol So I spent over my limit. Total: $102.90. Which was bound to happen but not by much actually. To my surprise, I only bought things that weren't on my list. I swatched everything and bought the colors that actually suited me. I bought some Fafi and some other things I needed. I also used my B2M depotted pots for the lippies. Im quite happy but I think I am going to go back because I need back ups for High Top l/s. I can not tell you how gorgeous this l/s is in person. The pics look nothing like the real thing. I think I will get two more.


Well-known member
Aww crap. I think about $500.00. No, I am not kidding. Yeah, I know. Bad, bad, bad.

ETA: Just added it up. A little over $600.00


Active member
I ordered $183 worth of Fafi stuff, but I also ordered none Fafi things as well, so I think after this I'll be on a ban for a bit.

Here is the Fafi stuff I got....
* Fafi Doll: Ermine
* Fafi Doll: Monoka
* Fafi Doll: Eriko
* Fafi Eyes 1
* Fafi Eyes 2
* Fafi: Powder Blush - Hipness
* Fafi 129 SE Powder/Blush Brush w/bag
* Paint Pot - Nice Vice
* Paint Pot - Cash Flow

None Fafi I got....

* Slimshine Lipstick - Bare
* Powder Blush - Strada
* Mineralize Skinfinish/Natural - Medium
* Lip Conditioner SPF15


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Aww crap. I think about $500.00. No, I am not kidding. Yeah, I know. Bad, bad, bad.

ETA: Just added it up. A little over $600.00



Well-known member
Originally Posted by zabbazooey
My list:

Strawbaby l/s (B2M)
Utterly Frivolous l/s (B2M)
Flash N Dash l/s (B2M)
Not So Innocent l/s (B2M)
Fafi Eyes 1
Fafi Eyes 2
Cult Fave l/g
Sugar Trance l/g
Squeeze It l/g
Rollickin' PP
Girl Friendly PP
Cash Flow PP
Perky PP
Hipness blush
Fashion Frenzy
T Shirt

So with tax....$271.98. I know this is sad, but I REALLY tried to cut back!

Not getting any IPPs...I love the MSFs and I don't want glitter all over my face!!!

I actually didn't end up getting FF blush, or a T shirt, or the UF or Strawbaby l/s....I got High Top though....GORGEOUS!

I only spent like $250....but I also got some non-Fafi stuff!!


Well-known member
I'm a bit more excited for Heatherette, but I can't pass up the Hipness blush...maybe one of the quads once I see it in person. I have to save the money for the March haul : )


Well-known member
I had a gift card for $50, and just got sugar trance lg and Fafi Eyes 2.
I was out of powder so I also picked up neutral MSF in light, but I got away without spending even half of what I thought I would!


Well-known member
I'm so thankful that nothing in the Fafi line "did it" for me. I passed on all of it tonight, and instead, spent my Vday gift card on Warmed MSF, BlackTrack, and a new Brush.


Well-known member
I know what I'd LIKE to buy... but due to working only part time, I can't afford to buy anything. So, my budget, sadly, is 0 dollars