Fafi & MAC Collaboration Discussion


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

this collection will be a good opportunity for a fafinette FOTD challenge


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I don't like Fafi! I think those girls are icky. Oh well. Everybody else seems to like them.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

Originally Posted by greatscott2000
this collection will be a good opportunity for a fafinette FOTD challenge

Ohhh I second that!

There used be a model challenge on a blog forum &one of the challenges was Fafi-style makeup/dress! The makeup was super cute.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I think some of the fafi kinda cute art/doll or whatever they call it but some naaah, I don't like all of the faces ~_~I don't know how they look like:confused: but I'd like to see what mac will come up with lol


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Re: Heatherette for MAC Discussion

Originally Posted by lemurian
Ah well.. Vanilla and Pink Venus are two shades I can't wear, so no quad for me! It'll be fun to see what colors the other two are.. I wonder if Hey will look like hay? :p

I bet if its done right it could look pretty...kinda like a ultra mod baby doll! I love it when darker skintones rock lighter eyeshadow...


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I will spend more money on the dolls than on the makeup! I know that now.

This is my most anticipated collection yet. I have been a Fafi fan for the last 2 years.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

will the models for this collection be made up like fafinettes?
cos that would be so cool!
I can imagine the models having bright wigs and hearts on their cheeks!


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I cannot wait to hear more about this and I am really really hoping that Heatherette will be available at Macy's-only MAC near me.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I really don't get the appeal! Those dolls are wearing Minnie Mouse shoes. Their knees are bent like they can't keep their balance in high heels. Fortunately they've got their sugar canes to hold onto. their mouths have the ugliest shape. They are holding the dumbest pose. Is this what MAC addicts really hope to look like? I look at their body shape and I just want to stretch them out and make them do yoga. I'm surprised there is no dissent on these. Does every single specktra member consider Fafinettes to be good art?


Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I totally agree that fafinettes are unappealing. A lot of trendy "art" these days look the same. As mentioned by another poster, someone else had confused fafi and another artist's work.

While ppl say that her work expresses women's sexuality freely, i find that the work is very stagnant. The girls have the same expression and the only differences between the dif characters are the wigs and color of their clothing. Instead of expressing individuality, these fafinettes display a very specific and singular type of sexuality, which IMHO is rather slutty.

I can't say whether the artist can actually draw, but i dont feel her lines are particularly expressive or etc.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

The same things could be said about Barbie. I'm not very familiar with Fafi, but MAC does awesome collabs. That's for sure. I'm sure the inspired looks will be awesome.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

A lot of things were said about Barbie at the time when the collection came out! One difference is Barbie is not supposed to be art. Here the word "art" keeps popping up and I just don't see it. Plus, If Fafi's work is supposed to be about female sexuality, well lordosis and big boobs don't suggest freedom to me. It's more of a male fantasy, and very limited at that.


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

Has anyone seen miss emc's post on teasers? This collection looks absolutely massive and I think i almost fainted when i saw what was in it!!

Looks to me like this collection won't be as well known as barbie (which had both a mac collector and barbie collector fanbase); but the products just might surpass the barbie collection just by the number of products being released and I am sure through that, the range of colors. Barbie loves mac did incredibly well last year and I think Fafi for Mac will be no different

In regards to the Fafi doll debate, to me they embody the women of the 60's/70's- free spirited and carefree


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Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

I think "art" has a very loose definition. What one might perceive as art could be perceived as trash by another. Its all about perspective.

Fafi is a graffiti-inspired artist. Some may not see graffiti as "art" but it is art form. She doesn't claim to be Van Gogh or da Vinci & I don't believe that any one is regarding her as such.

Her art is rather cartoonish. If you look at her "walls" section on her website [http://www.fafi.net/wallpaint/years.html], you can see the evolution of her painting & drawing, starting back in 1994. Yes, there is more sex appeal now. But she has always used bright colors to play up her paintings & drawings.

I think the colors & style that Fafi creates is what inspired MAC to do the collaberation. Also, the femininity associated to her work. I think Fafinette's embody freedom for women; its an attempt to break the stereotypes.

No one is asking anyone to draw hearts on their cheeks or dress like a Fafinette. And I'm sure anybody can still enjoy the abundance of products this collection offers, even if they don't consider Fafi's work "art."


Well-known member
Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

awwww damn i cannot wait for this!!!!!!!!i wonder when this will be released in the US?anyone know?


Well-known member
Re: Fafi & MAC collaboration discussion

OK, I want a quad for the artwork and the mirror, if nothing else!

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