Fake ebay item


Well-known member
I saw this, too! I wrote ebay a mean email after they took off all of my auctions because I said in the description that I did not accept Credit card payments. I am so frustrated that they don't seem to end the ones that are actually ripping people off. Because since people will bid, they will get money from the final value fee, so I guess they only get pissed off if you find a way around paying $3 in fees for something that was $10. I wish they cared more about all these people who are getting ripped off. This is why so many people are afraid to use ebay.


Well-known member
Here's another reply I received from her on Ebay:

"I have got 2 hostile emails from you, a member with 0 fedback, you made up a profile in order to contact me. A fake item is not equal or superior quality. I made up the names cause its more fun. The real numbers are on my ad. My son needs eye surgery so I don't care if u think I suck. These colors are Fabulous! I used them and I know they are real. People can read my ad and decide for themselves. You need to find something to do with your time! I hope you feel better!"

Actually the ID I used is my "posting ID" for the Ebay discussion boards, since that's all I've been doing on Ebay lately. I've had it for months. And my message to her wasn't hostile unless you count telling someone they are selling fake products as being hostile. I didn't tell her she sucks, per se, I told her that people who sell fake products make ebay suck.


Well-known member
I must say I am very proud of you ladies and your vigilante style! Defending the products you hold dear to your heart and sticking it to those who ruin it for others is very honorable. I hope to see more of this in the future - fake cosmetics is of great concern to me.

Why are fake cosmetics so concerning?

The world of rip-offs and look-a-likes is a multi-million dollar industry unto itself. In China, you can get nearly anything fake: Fake LV, fake Gucci, fake Pumas - you name it, they sell it. It's one thing to wear fake shoes, or have a fake purse - really, the only difference between you and the person with the real purse is how much was paid and the quality. Most people cannot tell the difference. While I do not condone immitation goods of any kind, immitation cosmetics delve into a whole new realm of problematic.

I know there are many women and men on this board who struggled for years to find products that do not irritate their skin. Using a counterfeit cosmetic not only poses a risk of irritation, but also an even more frightening risk of allergic reaction, eye damage and possibly blindness. We don't know where these cosmetics are made, who made them, or what is in them. I am angered and frustrated by ebay by the amount of times I personally have contacted them regarding sellers like this woman. I don't give two shits if you think the colour looks nice, these products are unregulated, untested and unsafe.

Ultimately, the result will be that ebay will no longer attract sellers looking to buy quality products. I highly doubt that any of these poor buyers who were suckered into these "European Exclusive" products will be repeat buyers - upset and angered when they soon find out they have been made a fool of. Once all these buyers are gone, who will buy? Not us! We have found other, safer avenues to sell and exchange our merchandise while maintaining a level of quality assurance that ebay refuses to provide.

I applaud you ladies and your efforts. I encourage all of you to continue to harass and report these sellers. I also encourage you to contact ebay, as I have, and remind them that having these types of sellers on their site is only hurting ebay's business in the end - there will always be another scam for the scammer. These products are dangerous and should be removed. It makes me sad, but the reality is that very little cosmetics should ever be bought from ebay these days.


Well-known member
she responded to me regarding the situation.
I'm not sure if she's a faker and she's busted, or if she's just mollifying me and going to continue with her disingenuity. *shrug*


Well-known member
Here's ebay's policy that applies to this, in case anyone was wondering:

Replica, Counterfeit Items and Unauthorized Copies

Counterfeits, unauthorized replicas, unauthorized items (such as counterfeit watches, handbags, or other accessories) or unauthorized copies (such as copies of software programs, video games, music albums, movies, television programs, or photographs) are not permitted on eBay. Unauthorized copies include (but are not limited to) copies that are pirated, duplicated, backed-up or bootlegged. It is illegal to sell unauthorized copies of media.

Guideline: If the product you are selling bears the name or logo of a company, but it wasn't made or endorsed by that company, don't list it on eBay.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:

Listing cancellation
Limits on account privileges
Account suspension
Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
Loss of PowerSeller status

Some Examples

The following are examples of items that may not be listed on eBay:

A purse that has the Chanel name on it, but was not made by Chanel

Sunglasses bearing the Oakley name, but which are a style never made by Oakley

A fake autograph passed off as the real thing

Replacement parts for an HP printer which use HP's parts number and name, but were not made by HP

Pirated copies of video games

VHS, CD-R , or DVD-R copies of television programs taped off of television

"Backup" or "archival" copies of software programs

Pirated copies of music

"Bootleg" recordings of live music performances

"Home video" versions of a movie still in theaters

Software loaded onto a hard drive that is not being sold with the original media (disks, manuals, etc.)

CD-Rs containing scanned pages from a book, magazine, manual or other copyrighted written materials that were not written by you

Why does eBay have this policy?

eBay urges sellers and buyers to comply with all governmental laws and regulations. Since the sale of counterfeit items, unauthorized replicas and unauthorized copies is prohibited by law sellers may not list these items on eBay. This policy helps protect buyers from purchasing counterfeit or fraudulent items, helps protect intellectual property rights owners against infringement, and helps create a safer marketplace.

It's pretty clear that this seller is not only violating ebay policy, but the law. And it doesn't matter that she made up names for the products either-- selling a product with the MAC logo that wasn't made by MAC is illegal.

But the problem is enforcement. We can report this stuff every time we see it, but unless ebay actually wants to do anything about it, it doesn't do any good. In the email they send you after you report somebody, ebay says that if it's not immediately obvious to them that the item is fake, they foward it to the trademark holder and ask them if they would like to pursue it. Now I don't know how up to date the staff at ebay is about what MAC packaging looks like, but they don't give you any space on the form to explain WHY you think it's a fake. So it's quite possible that they wouldn't know from looking at tyhe listing. Which means they're forwarding the listing to MAC.... and here's where the real problem comes in.

As far as I know, MAC has made it very clear when people have emailed them or had live chats, that they're not interested in pursuing action against fraudulent ebay sellers. As far as they are concerned, any MAC product sold on ebay should be regarded as fraudulent, since ebay is not an authorized place for MAC products to be sold. I can almost understand this since there's so many people who sell pigment samples and reselling le items and other things which MAC doesn't want them to do-- but there's way too many people for them to try and sue everyone. Maybe they're hoping that the possibility of getting fake items will deter people from buying MAC on ebay and keep them buying it from MAC directly.

But that's BS! For the reasons that were just posted-- we're talking about people's health! People's eyesight! They should really be more responsible about all of this. ESPECIALLY considering they went after THIS SITE just for posting unauthorized PICTURES!! How much sense does that make? They care more about unauthorized pictures being shared by a bunch of hugely devoted MAC fans, than they do about counterfeit products being sold to potential customers?? What are they THINKING? If they're going to crack down somewhere-- really, which place makes more sense? Specktra or ebay?

(ha ha sorry for the rant!)


Well-known member
There's a question at the bottom of the screen and it looks like the seller is claiming that she wasn't aware that these were counterfeits she was selling?

I'm not saying that she's sincere, but I wonder how many genuine sellers get tricked like that and sell counterfeits without knowing. Well, nowhere near as many that sell them with the outright purpose of scamming other innocent people, that's for sure.

I totally agree with wattage, if eBay doesn't look after the people that buy items on eBay, you can bet that one day the consumers will bite back by turning their backs on them. And rightly so, says I.


Well-known member
It's entirely possible that this seller, or any other seller of fakes, doesn't know that their products are not authentic. Reselling on ebay is a huge industry and these people may have very little knowledge about MAC at all. They may have bought one of those huge resale lots you see on there sometimes ($5000 of MAC Cosmetics!@!!). And those products turned out to be fake. And either they don't know, or they're just trying to sell them anyway.

But it doesn't matter. They're still rrsponsible for the authenticy of what they're selling. Ebay policy is very clear about that. And sellers are not allowed to post an "authenticity disclaimer" either-- they're expected to either verify that their products are real or NOT SELL THEM.


Well-known member
She clearly knows now and hasn't done jack to contact the people who have bid on these. I have heard back from a couple of her victims already and several are in the process of getting their money back.
Sorry I'm so pissy about this, it just as an eBay member and someone who has very sensitive skin, this kind of fraud strikes close to heart.

Wattage-great point. I wish I could frame this and send it to eBay, but I know that it would just be ignored. Maybe when someone finally gets injured buying some fake beauty product from one of eBay's auctions and sues them as well as the seller, then they'll take notice and start enforcing them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
She clearly knows now and hasn't done jack to contact the people who have bid on these. I have heard back from a couple of her victims already and several are in the process of getting their money back.
Sorry I'm so pissy about this, it just as an eBay member and someone who has very sensitive skin, this kind of fraud strikes close to heart.

It's not pissy at all, there's probably a whole bunch of people with similar issues who won't even know they have you to thank for at least deterring one seller from selling fake MAC, or buyers from buying it through this seller.

You also have a good point about it only really becoming an issue with eBay once they get into trouble, as a result of such sellers. I wouldn't have a clue to go about it, but if there were some sort of consumer watchdog, I'm sure they'd want to know about eBay's deliberate ignorance of such matters. Most countries have one but eBay's international now, isn't it? But surely they must be answerable to someone, or some board of regulations.


Well-known member
Here's the Real Kicker

At the same time this woman had her fakes listed recently, she messaged me about a MAC eyeshadow I had listed asking if I was sure it was real!?! I couldn't believe her nerve after I saw the thread here and looked at her listings! My item was purchased at the MAC counter


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toby1
At the same time this woman had her fakes listed recently, she messaged me about a MAC eyeshadow I had listed asking if I was sure it was real!?! I couldn't believe her nerve after I saw the thread here and looked at her listings! My item was purchased at the MAC counter

Okay, this would just be funny if it wasn't so sad.
I think she has created an account to end her auctions early, now that she has been reported and her buyers are now contacting her about the fake eye shadows. All of her auctions have been bid on by "endital" a brand new account. It will be interesting to see if she closes her current eBay account and reopens it under a new name. I'd feel sorry for her, except posts in this thread indicate an appalling lack of concern or ethics for what she has done. She hadn't contacted the buyers that I heard back from today, so I think she was just hoping to get by with this. Ugh! Such a slimy individual.

Edit: found out where she got them. She obviously renamed them to try and cover up the fact that they weren't MAC eye shadows.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=5676644 350
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=5676643 724


Well-known member
From what I've experienced with eBay so far about reporting replicas, the more people that report the items, the faster they take down the listing I believe. I'm not too sure about that though since it's what I've heard. On the other hand, I won a MAC lot from the seller tony_and_julia before too and was the winning bidder. After finding out this forum by googling, I went back and told the seller she was selling fake items, and I refuse to buy them because they were fakes. She told me she'll report me to eBay for unpaid item, but I had already contacted eBay before that and told them she was selling fakes, and I was unaware. I didn't get an unpaid item strike though. I was a newbie to MAC awhile back, but now I'm more cautious and aware of MAC fakes. =) About that lady that's selling fakes, she posted an item to where she states this and that about the fakes and about her trying to contact everyone and ebay and in the end, she says she wants to help her son to pay for surgery? Seems like she making others feel sorry for her LOL.


Well-known member
Yeah, her story keeps changing. Color me skeptical. I know from the buyers of hers that I contacted that she hasn't offered to cancel the auctions and they were very glad to hear from me about these being fakes. I think she just thought she could get by with it and now is trying to cover her a**, since she has been caught.


Well-known member
I hate scammers too.

It amazes me they defend the quality of their fake products....which if they're so great, why try to pass them off as MAC to begin with? I'd maybe even be more tempted by a line I'd never heard of if it had what seemed like great colors & quality than seeing something I know might be ok eyeshadow but it's being lied about. She says they're "fabulous"!

And someone defending themself for lying and cheating people because their son needs eye surgery???? Give me a break.

What is the "Peachy Keen" e/s she has listed for $200???


Well-known member
OK, for some reason this username & the New Jersey location are ringing a bell. I've read feedback for someone that had sold maybe some brushes or eyeshadows before that people were mad that it took a long time to get their product which they thought was coming from NJ, and found it actually came from Thailand. That would explain why the description paragraph sounds sort of like a translation in a couple places. I swear there's a seller or sellers that claim to be from NJ but are actually in Thailand selling the fakes.

It's also humorous the part about "I tried to think of the best names I could" type excuse for the color description names....I mean, a legit e/s HAS a name or maybe a number at least, as we've seen on some samples or prototypes, wasn't it?


Well-known member
what a idiot lol. i find it strange that she says she has a lot of mac shadows herself so it is def not a fake then goes on to say bla bla bla i have been cheated i feel so foolish, i wonder where she got her 'mac shadows' from in the 1st place :|


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sigwing
What is the "Peachy Keen" e/s she has listed for $200???

ahh i have to go nd see this lol

peachy keen is a blush. how strange lol


Well-known member
That's bs about filing a non-pay dispute. If both sides agree to mutually cancel for an auction, it doesn't count against the buyer.
I really would feel sorry for her if her main motivation hadn't been greed. Even after she knew she kept defending her right to sell these items. It was only when she got busted and her buyers started contacting her that she was forced to do something. And I'm very skeptical about her "son"s surgery" story. I love how she is still trying to get money out of people in her auction:

"I have spent this whole weekend on the computer writing back and crying. I do not expect anyone to care but I am so sorry. My $600.00 is wasted. If anyone knows an eye surgeon in Southern California my son needs help! [email protected] Please don't anyone write how terrible I am. I have had it all weekend. Not even for Eddy would I cheat people. I still tried to get them an email b4 they won the bid."

And I know from people I've heard back from that she never contacted them after the auction-I did and that is how they found out that they bought a fake MAC. Certainly not from her. What a creepy individual.

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