Fake Eyeshadow Palettes brushes & more


Well-known member

The seller has messaged me back saying that all their items are genuine(not) and that they have receipts from their supplier I wonder whereabouts in Thailand that is

so If anyone else can report this please do


Well-known member
Wow they actually message back? Ive sent those con artists them a handful of messages! Reported them at least 3 times, and yet ebay has (typically) done nothing...

I can see why people dont bother with this topic anymore - for every seller that works with you, you get at least 3 that are abusive or ignore your messages/what you are getting at.


Well-known member
I have had another message from this con merchant

They have told me that if their glitters/pigments are fake so are all the others on eBay and went on about their receipts faxs etc again and that if I message back they will report me to Ebay (oh so scared)


Well-known member
Lol! Half of the pigs and glitters on ebay are fakes! It makes them come across as morons when they use excuses like that, or "there are many fakes on ebay, im just selling a few" and "i bought them from someone else, so its not my fault" to paraphrase. Ive even had a fake seller in Thailand tell me "please i just want to clear stock"...

Scotch Lass

I've started asking questions before I bid on any items i.e. can they guarantee the item is 100% authentic? Some sellers take offence, but if they are genuine they won't mind you asking.

My theory is:

If they don't reply to your question then you know there is something dodgy about it.....leave well alone.

If the do reply and say that it is 100% authentic and it turns out not to be then they haven't got a leg to stand on with Paypal and you should get your money back without too much problem.