Fake Eyeshadows


Well-known member
and maybe a pigment but I don't know enough to know for sure...

The shadows are definitely fake since she mentions the applicator and small mirror - I suspect she might not even be aware of the fact they're fake since she seems to have pretty decent feedback.


Well-known member
I just reported them for the fake eyeshadows. I am not sure about the pigment because she doesn't quote the name of it but I wouldn't buy anything from her anyways because of the eyeshadows.


Well-known member
All of them are fakes - even the piggie.
If it were real they would know the colour name (sticker on both the jar and the box).
It would be possible for the sticker on either the box or the jar to come off, but for both to fall off (especially when itsNIB) would be extremely unlikely.
Also even if they fell off they would know the colour name anyway as they bought/received it...

The e/s have numbers on them and rimmed windows - traits that only the very fake e/s have.
Ive contacted the seller to tell them that if the auctions contiune i will contact both ebay and the winning bidders about the lack of authenticity.

Feedback is not much to go on either way, there has been sellers with mid to high hundreds+ selling fakes - f/b can be faked, they can gain lots of feedback for the sale of other things, some sell good fakes, the majority of people that buy really bad fake mac probably wouldnt even be able to tell they are fakes in person if they cant tell from auctions that state the whole mirror/applicator thing - potential buyers that know mac wouldnt touch this with a ten foot pole... Feedback can be left when item is received - not necessarily when the person has taken a good look at the product etc...

Also someone with little to no f/b can still be an honest seller (ive just bought something from one.... I hope! Item hasnt come yet