Fake MAC glitter liner


Well-known member
I really hope nobody bids on those. They look awful. Some of these sellers dont' have a heart or conscious.


Well-known member
ANY sellers located and selling their counterfeit crap on eBay Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, I would AVOID!

Pisses me off to see those FRICKIN fakers get away with selling those fake CRAP!!!


Well-known member
is it just me, or the label is basically a bunch of random english words crammed together? if anyone speak enough english to bid from an english ebay sites, i would laugh. unadulterated eyeliner... what does that mean?!
the color and luster
pure and unadul terated.
don't stimulate eyes

Quickly dry bright liquid
eyeliner, can last long
to keep to sweep. The liquid
held out for long time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
is it just me, or the label is basically a bunch of random english words crammed together? if anyone speak enough english to bid from an english ebay sites, i would laugh. unadulterated eyeliner... what does that mean?!

It's a poem! It could be a blurb for a new collection.

Oh, and I think I remember Miss Curing Mascara...I've seen the same items from other auctions a while ago.


Well-known member
I can tell that's some extremely poor quality makeup. That's the stuff you throw away when someone gives it to you for a gift. It's horrible.