Fake NARS Blushes?


Well-known member
Forgive me if this is in the wrong place, but can anyone please tell me if the NARS Duo blushes were faked? I am thinking of trading for the NARS Orgasm / South Beach duo but I am so paranoid with all the counterfeit MAC crap that's out there. I own no NARS products yet so nothing to copmare it to


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
Forgive me if this is in the wrong place, but can anyone please tell me if the NARS Duo blushes were faked? I am thinking of trading for the NARS Orgasm / South Beach duo but I am so paranoid with all the counterfeit MAC crap that's out there. I own no NARS products yet so nothing to copmare it to

Chicka,i saw a thread on here with regards to large hauls of NARS,maybe it will be good idea to email these members of Spectra and ask them directly... i think Hergreyness ,is a fan of NARS ,so maybe you could drop her a line
.. btw you actually reminded me that i was going to post this...even though I am not an expert on counterfeit Nars i thought this looked so fakey!!
Chicka,look for the thread "Your Nars collection! lol i loved it
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NARS Duo Eyeshadow Palette Greys & Golds 12 Colours on eBay (end time 29-Oct-09 15:41:25 GMT)