Fake or Orginal?


Well-known member
Hey Girls..

I found this on ebay and i want buy it... is it fake or real MAC colors?
hope anybody can help me

Its Genuine Orange and Marine Ultra
Ebay MAC Genuine Orange and Marine Ultra

thank u a lot!!!



Well-known member
I don't have either of those colors, so I can't say for sure. Since it seems that 90% of Mac on Ebay is fake, I'd steer clear!


Well-known member
um, if it were me i would walk away..... the marine ultra looks off to me (cant say about orange, i dont have it) but honestly its hard to tell


Well-known member
I'd say it's fake because these two pigments are matte, and they DO NOT EVER fill up all the way up to the tip of the jar.


Well-known member
Looking again at this pic I see the bases of the jars are pretty thick..another indication of fake!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SiCiLyGiRl
damn.. i have buyed long time ago a pigment from this seller. "steel blue" -.-

If you put pictures of it on here, someone will be able to tell you whether it's real or fake. Steel blue, I believe, is one of the colours that has been faked, but you might be lucky and have a real one.