Fake Pigments?


New member
I was considering buying these pigments and my friend warned me about fake pigments. Like how fake ones could have all kinds of bad stuff in them. So she also told me to ask here and I really want these colours so any help would be very much appreciated


The colours are supposed to be- Shimmertime, Azreal Blue, Golder's Green and Helium


Well-known member
They all look right on the colouring from the pictures. Helium is spot on for the texture as well but in order to determine properly, we'd need more pictures, particularly the bottom of the jar


Well-known member
Yeah I saw these in the Selling part here too. The only thing I can say is that based on another sellers pictures, the blue looks ok based on colour. I'm no expert, I can't be of much help.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
I wonder why someone would be selling the Azreal Blue in a different Az Blue jar????

Because plenty of people split pigments and usually the seller will keep the original - I know I always do

The colours all look fine, textures too. Couldnt say for sure unless we saw detailed pics of the jar.


Well-known member
Sometimes sellers/people will sell there empty jars and list of them like I. Sometimes I/we forget we sold one and if someone ask's for it and they already paid I then clean out another jar so I can sell them the empty jar I promised. What happened with this person I dont know but thats one reason why people will have a pigment in a different jar, the only reason I have a few times. Recently I had a empty coco jar available and put next to it "residue is "subtle", that's cause I sold the subtle jar. Your right, AZREAL is very HTF, thankfully I got a lot when they disc it, kept an original empty to compare any incoming stock with. I very rarely see full jars now, just like subtle. I just ran out of subtle and took it off my sample list and doubt I'll be able to find more for quite awhile

Hope this helps....

By the way I'm not the person who bought the Azreal from the person you mentioned, there are many other here and elsewhere that has that color & sells samples of it. It sold for a lot of money, too expensive for my budget, lol. Please always feel free to ask me any questions about my samples, stock, seeing my MAC receipts, anything. I always make a point on all my listings to tell people to email me or PM me with any questions. I'm a open book, all you have to do is ask