Fake VGV?


Active member
I think I got a fake VGV in a swap, and I was hoping you ladies could help me before I contact the person who sent it to me.

I don't have pictures, but I can take some if necessary.

This lipstick is meant to be a VGV, but the date code on the bottom say is AC3, which would mean it was manufactured in December of 2003. When was VGV first launched?

The other problem is that the internal barrel is silver, not red. Have the VG lipsticks always used the red metal detailing?

The tube itself looks real compared to the lipsticks I've purchased from MAC itself, and it smells a bit off, but mostly real. If it is real, it could smell a bit off because it's 5 years old.

Thanks for your help!


Well-known member
I can only tell you what mine looks like...Red cylinder, A75...I have lippies from MAC that are much older and they retain their properties very well. However I did have one that was 9-10 years old that did turn rancid. It still looked good but oh the smell.

Old lipsticks have a rancid smell....This means some of the ingredients that are used for flavor and scent have broken down. (I know this only because I have worked the past 15 yrs in a Cosmetic manufacturing laboratory) However even though the lipstick may smell rancid it is not harmful to you...It just stinks which is something I can't stand.

I think the best idea is to post a picture..I personally have never seen a VGV with a Silver Cylinder and didn't think they were produced in 03 but I did not become a MAC addict until a few years ago so not sure. HTH


Well-known member
That batch code would make sense since VGV originally came out in March 2004.
The color on the cylinder , sorry can't help with that - never liked the Viva Glam colors so I never bought any.


Well-known member
It did come out march of 04, so I don't know if the batch was made prior to the launch. But the silver barrell is suspicious...I bought my Viva Glam V right when it was released, and it has a red barrell. I've never, ever seen one with the silver barrel. I just want to add that that is really low, creating fakes of the Viva lipsticks, which are supposed to be for charity.


Well-known member
Of course the batch have to made prior to the launch. They have to get the product made and go through quality control before they are shipped out to counters and stores.
If you even look at all the recent collections coming out, all the products are made months before they are actually sold.

Here I found these pics for you.


And an older older style VG:


Well-known member
My first 2 VGV's had a silver barrel. I remember being surprised to see the red when I bought a new one years later because at the time I thought the red was just a VGVI thing, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dangerousmuffins
Of course the batch have to made prior to the launch. They have to get the product made and go through quality control before they are shipped out to counters and stores.
If you even look at all the recent collections coming out, all the products are made months before they are actually sold.

Here I found these pics for you.


And an older older style VG:

She is 100% correct...batches are made sometimes months before we send the finished product out...It has to go thru QA/QC testing, Stability, Micro Testing, and several other client recommended tests prior to complete production of the actual finished good.


Active member
Thank you, ladies, for taking the time to help and for digging up those pictures!

Based on what you all have said, I think it's real. It's mildly annoying that I was sent a 5-year-old lipstick, but perhaps she got it in a swap and didn't realize.

Thanks again!


Well-known member
Yeah or she may just be selling some of her personal stash....But as long as it stills smells fresh...you should be good with it. I have some that are older and I still use them.