Family of 12 given Half a Million Worth House


Well-known member
ive just seen this on the news what are your thoughts on this? what if it happened in the US? or even would it?
keeping in mind £500,000 is like a million dollars
hmm.gif page_id=1770&expand=true#StartComments


Well-known member
It theoretically *could* happen here.
This is a huge hot button issue. They're being paid to have children.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
How is at least one parent not able to work? Most of those kids are school age and they could help around the house when they're not in school. If you're going to have that many kids, you should have to support them yourself and not expect the gov't to do it.


Well-known member
It's not that they can't work. It's that with the way the benefits system is setup, they would earn less money working, than they get from the govt by doing nothing.

It's a classic example of welfare moms, and the reasons why people leech the system. Typically people like this have little to no education, so the jobs availible to them pay minimum or very poor wages. If you read the article he was like stacking shelves or something for work. As a result, working causes them to lose money, since by being employed, they lose eligibility for many of the benefits afforded too them by the government dole.

I like how they claim their job is to make and watch after their children. Pretty pathetic when the only reason they can take care of their litter of kids is because other people are paying for it. Welfare needs limitations. You should be allowed to claim unemployment, or welfare for a few months MAX, while you get back on your feet. Welfare is there to help you out when life deals you a bad hand, not pay for everything.


Well-known member
I know TANF has a lifetime limit, or it did at one time, but I don't know how the UK has it set up. :/


Well-known member
Haven't similar situations arisen when a family has given birth to multiples (like 6-7 kids at a time)? I guess it's not entirely the same considering this woman has kids of multiple ages. Still, I'm not down with this...stop having kids if you can't flippin' afford them.


Well-known member
I think I'm going to move to England, and start doing that Quiverfull Religion ;p haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
Haven't similar situations arisen when a family has given birth to multiples (like 6-7 kids at a time)? I guess it's not entirely the same considering this woman has kids of multiple ages. Still, I'm not down with this...stop having kids if you can't flippin' afford them.

They can afford them. More babies they have the more free $$$ they get. There is no reason for them not to pop out more.


Well-known member
He said: "Some people may think we're a bunch of spongers, but it's not true." His wife added: "I was born to have children, it's what I am here for."

LMAO! Clearly they weren't born to be self-sufficient. Not spongers, my ass!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
They can afford them. More babies they have the more free $$$ they get. There is no reason for them not to pop out more.

No, that's not what I meant, and I'm sure you knew that.

If you can't pay for them yourself by WORKING rather than sucking at the teat of the gov't stop procreating.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The only stories I'm familiar with of people with large families getting extremely generous handouts is if there are multiple births (like 8 kids at once) and they were always private donors giving the help.

I like what welfare makes the women I know who receive it do. They have to work some kind of job. They're working for a home for the mentally retarded. It's not a lot of work, but it's something that needs to be done and they are earning their keep

It's not that they can't work. It's that with the way the benefits system is setup, they would earn less money working, than they get from the govt by doing nothing.

I think I got confused when they claim raising the kids is a full-time job, and I assumed they were talking about the costs in terms of putting the children in daycare. It's evidently one that they both suck at if their kid got a cigarette lighter.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
WHOA! They need to stop having kids.
I am not against aide for those in need when what they earn is not enough, but to continue having children when you couldn't afford the ones you had before you received help is just wrong.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
No, that's not what I meant, and I'm sure you knew that.

If you can't pay for them yourself by WORKING rather than sucking at the teat of the gov't stop procreating.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but thats the logic that they are useing. The don't believe they are mooching the system, because from their point of view, working is less profitable, so the smart thing to do is just use the free money. And they get more money with more babies.

Chances are the guy saw the welfare checks his wife was getting because they had like 5 kids from a previous marriage, not to mention child support, and figured they would just get more money haveing more kids =p

Considering they are now in a million dollar home, looks like it was the right move lol...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I'm not disagreeing with you, but thats the logic that they are useing. The don't believe they are mooching the system, because from their point of view, working is less profitable, so the smart thing to do is just use the free money. And they get more money with more babies.

Chances are the guy saw the welfare checks his wife was getting because they had like 5 kids from a previous marriage, not to mention child support, and figured they would just get more money haveing more kids =p

Considering they are now in a million dollar home, looks like it was the right move lol...

I guess. All I know is, I would do ANYTHING to avoid gov't assistance. Maybe it's the work ethic my parents instilled in me or the inability to feel like I can/should rely on something that I could do for myself. Who knows. All I know is when I read tripe like this I *KNOW* I'm a better person than these "spongers".

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Some people just lack pride and dignity. I'm for these programs to exist, but I hate how some people ruin and take advantage of them for those who actually need it.


Well-known member
The thing is that public outrage over nonsense like this will prevent families in the future who genuinely need help from getting it based on tightening of policies. :/


Well-known member
I grew up learning the injustices of the US Welfare system and how to milk it dry.

Both of my parents worked (my mom owns her own business) and we always had the necessities and nice things. I always wanted $50 Nikes, but it was always too expensive to get just for shoes I was going to grow out of anyways. I always settled for like LA Gears or something cheaper lol.

Anyways, I had two friends who ALWAYS had the awesome expensive $100 Nikes and starter jackets and Nintendos etc. How did they do it? Mom only worked a few hours a week as dad did too...(they worked under the table, tax free, for CASHOLA). Yet- every month, mom and dad EACH received wel-fare checks (they never married yet each claimed a kid). BTW- neither was disabled. Both were able bodied people!

It was bull to me as a kid and still is as an adult. Welfare needs to investigate people better and cut the cord!!!

Another note- since we learn from our parents, I wonder if those kids will be doing the same thing....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo

Another note- since we learn from our parents, I wonder if those kids will be doing the same thing....

I can't speak for *these* kids, but my husband is a high school teacher in rural Southern Indiana. He was trying to get a girl to do her homework during time he set aside specifically for this reason. She was jacking around not working; he said to her, "So-and-so, please work on your homework". She responds with, "Why? I won't need this anyway". To which my husband responds, "It's math, of course you need it!" Her response: "No, I won't...I'll just go on welfare." It just so happens that her parents are on welfare...

It's a vicious cycle which is why I think there should be some sort of time limit on how long you can be on it at a time. I think it's a flawed system that needs a major overhaul, but I don't see it happening (just like I don't see fair tax happening) in my lifetime. *shrug*


Well-known member
This is a hard issue, I have know people who have abused the system. I have also known people who were in a difficult situation and used educational/food/housing benefits to make better lives for themselves and their children. This sorry case would obviously fit into the first category.

I think these programs should be in place, to help those who are in real need. I also believe there should be checks and balances. For instance, if you are already receiving assistance for half a dozen children you should not be given further assistance for having six more. Perhaps these spongers, and that is a kind word for it, would not have had more children if the government threatened to cut them off.

This is obviously an extreme case, and I wonder what crazy loopholes in their system allowed them to push it this far. Some of those children are certainly old enough to watch the younger ones while their parents go to work. I cannot believe they are happy and content living that way.