Fav MAC scent


Well-known member
I always see c-squeeze at my counter and pro store. I don't think it's hard to find. I LOVE IT, it smells like summmmer (to me anyways)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Navessa
where can you buy C-Squeeze?

i guess, MV5 was changed to hue: greenify so that's what i have. i love fresh, clean scents. but i also love patchouli and bergamont too.

All my local counters have it.

rocknroll nurse

New member
MV2 is the gold one...

MV2 is also the one that smells like vanilla....

and it's the best scent ever ever ever! my favorite by far.


Well-known member
I liked the orange one that was out with C-Squeeze I think. I really want to try Dejarose because tea rose is one of my fave scents ever.


Well-known member
it's SO yummy!


Well-known member
I just bought DejaRose, and I love love love it. It's so lovely!
C-Squeeze and Turquatic are my other favs.


Well-known member
turquatic, pinkaura...my conter had lost the dejarose perfume tester, and i really wanted to smell it, since i love rose stuff, usually...rawr..


Well-known member
I love MV4, MV1 and C-Squeeze are close in second....the others did not really suit me as well...looking forward to smelling dejarose!


Well-known member
just out of curiosity, for anyone who ever tried the Body Blend Lotion a while back (it was in a white and black container, similar to MV1 scent), is there a similar perfume scent to that of the lotion. I LOVED the smell of the lotion and would die if it was the same as one of the 'hues'... any ideas? anyone atually use that Body blend Lotion before?


MV3 & Turquatic together smells delightful!!
C-Squeeze & Deja Rose are beautiful as well (not together but each one)