Fave drink....you name it....


Well-known member

tea (iced and hot)

in n out chocolate shake when im pmsing

vitamin water

sobe juice and sobe greentea


Well-known member
Pepsi or sweet tea but if in terms of adult beverages, I prefer a good glass of chardonnay or sirah.


Well-known member
Big Red! aka "Pop Rouge" It's been my favorite since I was a kid, but it's a pain in the ass to find these days. Then Barq's Root Beer and Sunkist Soda, Coca-Cola (all flavors) and Coffee-Milk.. strong Coffee period.

Rum or Jack Daniels & Coke


Well-known member
starbucks ice blended carambel frappucino
and I love pepsi and water and my Aunt's Pastis.


Well-known member
sweetened tea, hot or cold, Int'l Foods Kahlua coffee, Starbucks White Choc. Mocha (but I love all the seasonal drinks, too!) and Pibb Xtra!! (Pibb is like the nectar of the gods to me, because you can't buy here except in restaurants....)


Well-known member
@ juneplum: Whats a Juneplum jice?

Yes I have to add the gorgeous Starbucks Hot Chocolate to my list and orange flavored water!


Well-known member
Teas! Lots of them! Black, white, green etc. Whatever.

Lemon barley water and hot chocolates made from melted dark chocolate with hardly any milk, or just a bit of cream.

San Pellegrino Aranciata rossa (blood orange) carbonated drink.

Homemade lemon vodka granita; every summer the vodka content goes up and brandy glasses I fill them into get fuller...Australian summers can be painful, you see.