My ex-workmate made some Sweet Potato Pie a few weeks ago on his last day (he's from Philadelphia), and Jeebus, it was good! I snatched some to bring home and heated it up with ice cream... Yuuum. It was my first time eating it, obviously.
My favourites:
Boil Up- Pork bones, puha (like a swamp asparagus, according to Wikipedia it tastes similar to chard when cooked- whatever the hell chard is), dough boys and potatoes boiled together in one big ass pot. SO GOOD. Tastes even better the next day. Serve with rewana bread, tasty.
Steamed Pudding of any kind
Pork ribs with copious amounts of bbq sauce
Cannelloni with ricotta, spinach and pine nuts
Southern Fried Chicken... Actually, any kind of chicken
Falafel with lots of natural, unsweetened yoghurt and humus
BREAD. I loves bread
Ice Cream of all kinds
Potato chips. I have a serious weakness for them
And just a good ole' homestyle hangi- chicken, potatoes, kumara, pumpkin, looots of stuffing... Mmmm.
I'm a food junkie. It's so good.