Fave food! MMM


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Oh and hot wings with celery and carrots and blue cheese dressing. This thread makes me want to call my girlfriends over this weekend to eat a bunch of comfort food.
Want to come over CantAffordMAC, you sound like my kind of eater.

lol, I'm there! I could eat all day...I think my biggest worry is being fat when I get older (seriously) lol. I had these fries earlier, with cheddar and mozzarella and bacon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
lol, I'm there! I could eat all day...I think my biggest worry is being fat when I get older (seriously) lol. I had these fries earlier, with cheddar and mozzarella and bacon.

mmmmmmmm fries with chesser and mozzarella!! sound like heaven to me!!

well my fave food
American: steaks, burgers and texas fries (tgi fridays, chillis etc) mmmmmm
Mexican: tacos and enchiladas
Italian: everything from pastas to pizza's to lasagne
Indian: love the curries
Chinease: everything from spring rolls to chicken fried rice
i also like jacket potaotes with cheese and beans, roast chicken, NANDOS!!, mcdonalds, sandwiches (club sandwich with fries!!) and i also love my mom's food and all arabic food

i am not a fan of chocolates but bring on the strawberry cheescake and i will have chocolates once in a while.
my fave drinks are Hot- tea, hot chocolate (tiny pieces of marshamallows!) Cold-cocacola ALL the way!!
wow thats a long list..i love my food! im not hard to please am i??


Active member
Ok, I'm going to sound like a big heffer BUT I absolutely LOVE fried foods! Fries, fried chicken, egg rolls/lumpia/spring rolls!

My favorite ethnic food is Italian! I love eating pasta and sauce! Gosh, all this food talk is making me hungry!

I also love to eat sweets/desserts! What girl doesn't?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
funnel cake.

oh my GOD.

Originally Posted by frocher
Oh and Indian Fry Bread with butter and honey. Ah fair food, gotta lover it.

lol you two are making me laugh!!!
who doesn't love food!!!!!


Well-known member
My ex-workmate made some Sweet Potato Pie a few weeks ago on his last day (he's from Philadelphia), and Jeebus, it was good! I snatched some to bring home and heated it up with ice cream... Yuuum. It was my first time eating it, obviously.

My favourites:
Boil Up- Pork bones, puha (like a swamp asparagus, according to Wikipedia it tastes similar to chard when cooked- whatever the hell chard is), dough boys and potatoes boiled together in one big ass pot. SO GOOD. Tastes even better the next day. Serve with rewana bread, tasty.
Steamed Pudding of any kind
Pork ribs with copious amounts of bbq sauce
Cannelloni with ricotta, spinach and pine nuts
Southern Fried Chicken... Actually, any kind of chicken
Falafel with lots of natural, unsweetened yoghurt and humus
BREAD. I loves bread
Ice Cream of all kinds
Potato chips. I have a serious weakness for them
And just a good ole' homestyle hangi- chicken, potatoes, kumara, pumpkin, looots of stuffing... Mmmm.

I'm a food junkie. It's so good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
how about biscuits from Red lobsters? and cornbread..

Not too sure about those, but bisbuits from Popeyes are the shit!


New member
mint chocolate chip ice ream w/ melted peanut butter!
any pizza w/o meat
dark chocolate
veggie burger with LOTS of onions,mustard,ketchup and pickles
everything bagel from dunkin donuts with cream cheese
fruity pebbles
shrimp cocktail (when i cheat =x)
bbq chips
too many more, i LOVE food!!


Well-known member
Since I'm Mexican, Its all about Mexican food for me! I haven't been in the States in FOREVER so my fave food list could go on and on and on!!!! Seriously!!!! I would kill for some In-n-Out right about now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Not too sure about those, but bisbuits from Popeyes are the shit!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
mexican food.
my mom's potato soup. Creamy, with chunks of potato, celery, cheddar cheese and bacon.

bacon cheddar fries
pepperoni/provolone cheese bagel melts
french toast
grits with sugar
bacon/burnt sausage patties or kielbasi
soul food (fried chicken/mashed potatoes/green beans/sweet potato pie)
lays kettle chips
mcdonalds fries dipped in ice cream
banana chocolate chip muffins
chewy oats and honey granola bars
special k strawberry snack bites
coffee cake
these double chocolate cookies my stepdad makes OMG
Godiva chocolate covered strawberries
white rice with sugar on top
hot krispy kremes (doesn't it seem like u can eat 5 without even noticing)


well she pretty much typed my list up for me!! I LOVVEE mcdonalds french fries dipped in their strawberry shakes. my boyfriend is totally disgusted by it..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
the red lobster biscuits!! they are called "Cheddar bay biscuits" and they are the only reason i like going there!!

i know right. I don't like seafood too much but the quality of their food kinda sucks. except for those bangin "bisbuits"


Well-known member
I love:

  1. Jamaican food (the land of my birth)
  2. Some Trini food
  3. Indian food (Tandoori salmon (Yum-oh)
  4. Middle Eastern food
  5. Mac N Cheese (Southern Style)
  6. Potato Salad (Southern Style)
  7. Tomatoes from Brio
Oh yeah, Meatballs (Turkey)

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