Favorite Eye shadow Primer


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Re: Favorite eye shadow primer



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Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

okay going to add:

check them out def. in person too. As you can see, a couple of us don't like shadesticks due to the lack of smoothness.
-paints--alright but they don't smooth out nicely with a paintbrush and I prefer that to fingers
-paintpots--I apply with brushes and love it! just make sure to do light layers and I kinda let them air dry b/w layers (if I want more than one) just b/c I find if I put too much on the brush they crease right away. LOL but I stilllllll whole heartedly say PAINT POTS!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

my vote goes to the Paint Pots. And for the same reason It 's amazing how you can build up a color. I sometimes even used it at the end of my eye-makeup (when you need to blend out some colors that don't want to budge). you can keep the color sheer when you use a brush and Painterly. Put some concealer underneath or a few extra layers of Painterly and you get even more effect.

Originally Posted by gigglegirl
okay going to add:

check them out def. in person too. As you can see, a couple of us don't like shadesticks due to the lack of smoothness.
-paints--alright but they don't smooth out nicely with a paintbrush and I prefer that to fingers
-paintpots--I apply with brushes and love it! just make sure to do light layers and I kinda let them air dry b/w layers (if I want more than one) just b/c I find if I put too much on the brush they crease right away. LOL but I stilllllll whole heartedly say PAINT POTS!



Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

"Pain Pots" - for the little bit of Emo inside every MAC fan


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Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

I say go for paint pots, they are easy to apply and don't crease. I find beige-ing shadestick too dry and harsh to use. HTH

Originally Posted by gigglegirl
okay going to add:

check them out def. in person too. As you can see, a couple of us don't like shadesticks due to the lack of smoothness.
-paints--alright but they don't smooth out nicely with a paintbrush and I prefer that to fingers
-paintpots--I apply with brushes and love it! just make sure to do light layers and I kinda let them air dry b/w layers (if I want more than one) just b/c I find if I put too much on the brush they crease right away. LOL but I stilllllll whole heartedly say PAINT POTS!

what brush do you use to apply your paint pots?


Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

I use this small e/s brush I got from a drugstore line in Canada called Annabelle. Its a really small one, a bit bigger than a concealer brush--and so much cheaper than a MAC brush, was like $6 I believe. I used to use a 212 for it but it was a bit harsh getting it out of the pot. I'm waiting to buy any more MAC brushes til I make a road trip to a MAC store in the US and save some $$!!!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

so Melissa, what did you end up getting?? I was actually able to resist the urge to stop by the downtown wpg mac counter and buy a metal x cream shadow, so far!!


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Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

Originally Posted by gigglegirl
so Melissa, what did you end up getting?? I was actually able to resist the urge to stop by the downtown wpg mac counter and buy a metal x cream shadow, so far!!

I actually ended up liking the shadestick more than the paint pots or paints. I bought beige-ing, but I'll probably end up trying the painterly paint pot sooner or later. And it's funny you mentioned the metal x shadows, as I just bought three today! LOL. I spent far too much money at MAC

Ode to Joy

Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

which one will fix the e/s or pigments you're using best to your lids?


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Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

Originally Posted by Ode to Joy
which one will fix the e/s or pigments you're using best to your lids?

LOL i'm so a broken record, but I prefer the application of paint pots so I use them most and haven't had a broken with e/s or piggys sticking. And I've never had a problem with my shadestick or paint tube either.

Are you using one and having problems with it not sticking??


And Melissa, how do you like the Metal X e/s? Did you end up getting a liner? I love Enbronze but can't bring myself to buying a cream e/s b/c I found application was best with my finger and I didn't want to do all that. Really wanted Goldspice but I think I'll just wait and get a comparable paint pot like Indianwood to put under my neutral e/s.

Ode to Joy

Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

didn't get any of them yet but I tried UDPP which didn't work for me (creasing like whoa) and I wondered if any of the mac bases will do better


Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

really? wow I've heard such wonderful things about UDPP. Well I def. just suggest if you're going to use a paint pot, apply light layers on your lids and I close my eyes for a bit and let it dry. Otherwise if I'm trying to rush and put too much on my brush it will instantly crease---just too much cream at once I think is the problem. If you have problems with creasing (oily lids?) maybe a shadestick would work better for you?? I would def. talk to an MA and test out the products too.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

im currently using paint - bare canvas
and at first i loved it! but it doesnt seem to make my eyeshadow look as vibrant as when i first put it on. im wanting to try paint pots next [aswell as UDPP] and i want a few shadesticks before they get discontinued


Well-known member
Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

Originally Posted by gigglegirl
...Melissa, how do you like the Metal X e/s? Did you end up getting a liner? I love Enbronze but can't bring myself to buying a cream e/s b/c I found application was best with my finger and I didn't want to do all that. Really wanted Goldspice but I think I'll just wait and get a comparable paint pot like Indianwood to put under my neutral e/s.

I actually really, really like them. But like you said, colour doesn't go on as vibrant if you use a brush. But I found that sponge applicators work just as well as your fingers do! The colours are all beautiful, but I bought 6th Sin, Cyber and Pure Ore. I'm also considering going back for the pink one, I forgot the name at the moment.


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Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

so no creasing issue for you yet/at all? oh boy....must resist urge to go buy....lol who am I kidding, I'll prob go this week after I write a final exam.....treat myself!!! Just one though....i think!! LOL


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Re: MAC Paints, Shadesticks or Painpots for base?

Nope, not yet! They're really lovely, I adore them. Oh and as far as the glitter liners go, I did a few swatches on my hands and they're pretty nice aswell. The glitter isnt very concentrated, though. You would have to swipe it on a few times in order to get it to show up A LOT. But I think it would be really pretty to add a little more glamour to plain black liner. Or any other liner, for that matter. HTH, good luck with resisting the urge to buy the whole collection. It's hard, trust me! :p


Re: Favorite eye shadow primer

I like to use Select Moisture Cover. My eyeshadow comes out so smooth with this.


Well-known member
Re: Favorite eye shadow primer

I love UD Primer Potion. I have a really bad problem with creasing and since I have used UDPP that problem has deminished. And it make my e/s more intense


Well-known member
Re: Favorite eye shadow primer

UDPP, and like Lorelai said, a little does go a long way. The thinner the layer, I think the better. I haven't used any other primer (I lie, I used Vasani but it wasn't for me). Honestly, this stuff is the best. Just to let you know, I've gone to bed with my makeup (I know that's bad) and woken up looking like I just applied my eyeshadow.

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