Favorite Eye shadow Primer


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I got UDPP a few weeks ago. I stayed away from it for awhile because of the price, but I went to Ulta and picked up the deal with the Eye shadow palette and the full size UDPP.
At first I thought it was ok. I think I used to much the first few times. I finally got the hang of it and it works very well for me. Except I find it easier to blend when I put on a thin layer of UDPP and cover my entire lid with a light colored or sheer shadow. I mainly use vanilla.
And another thing that has converted me to a full time UDPP lover. I work over nights, I got ready for work at 9:30 pm eastern on July 30th. Got off of work at 7:30 am eastern and Did not wash my eye make up off until about 2:30 pm on the 31st and I was shocked when I noticed it was still Flawless. After working, napping for an hour, sweating and packing my stuff my eye make up still looked good. Wish I could say the same for the rest of my face, but I just thought that was amazing!


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ArtDeco eyeshadow base


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Hard to say i love UDPP, i put this on before my paints and paint pots.

Some of my favorite paints and PP are base light, still life, cash flow, perky, otherworldy, barestudy, greenstroke


Well-known member
UDPP, p2 express waterproof pencils, and wnw's creme eyeshadow in champagne something [its been discontinuted...boo
]. I remember being SO SAD when I lost that damn wnw shadow...it just disappeared!


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ARTDECO eyeshadow base

Actually, I just wanted to add this:

Haha, I love these emoticons! They make me laugh.


Well-known member
I use a MAC fluidline, paint pot, or paint as a primer. Shadesticks don't work as well for me. I have a ton of colors, and I just use whatever color I feel like using for that day. I used paints for years until MAC came out with paint pots, then used those, now my latest thing is using fluidlines every day as a primer.


Well-known member
I use either UDPP or a paint pot for priming...I find if I use the UDPP too much, my eye lids start to look wrinkly.
I have tried a so many and cant use anything but Merle Normans shadow base- it comes in a little convenient compact... i dont go a day without


Well-known member
I love paint pots for priming. I have UDPP but I find I just cnt blend my eyeshadows as well as I like when I use this.


Well-known member
I like Urban Decay Primer Potion. You can't buy it in stores in Australia (that I've seen) but it's on ebay and smartpoppy.com.au. It gives a great surface and colours really glide on beautifully.


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eyeshadow primer help

I try paints, paint pots and shade sticks as primers, but no matter how little I put on, I get these annoying folds on my lids. What can I do?


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I have tried Mac's Paints and although the colours are nice, they crease up on me! And my eyeshadows are not that bright looking!

Ever since I tried Urban Decay Primer Potion, I have not gone back to Mac's Paint! It goes on clear, and gives me no creases watsoever AND my eyeshadows look great! Its awesome! I say go to Sephora, ask them for a sample and try it urself!
I have good luck with paint pots. My shadow lasts for 16 hours+ with minimal fading and no creasing. I don't have a problem with oily lids, though. Some of my matte shadows were creasing without a base and this solved it. I like Painterly because it doesn't have shimmer and I can use it with close to anything.

... Painterly might be a m/u item I actually use up ... haha


Well-known member
Re: eyeshadow primer help

Wow thats sucks big time. I think your just like me, you need to go double or even triple duty!!

First i put on Urban decay primer potion or two faced eyeshadow insurance, they are both great so i guess i would go with which ever product bottle you think is cuter. Just apply it so you have a good semi-thin layer all over your eyelid and brow bone.

I wouldnt reccomend shadesticks, but paints and paint pots work well with me. I would put that bad boy on my eye. Then wait 20 seconds for it to dry and what not. Then i dust on some powder over it to set it even more. THEN you can finally get to the eyeshadow. I hope this works, update me if it does or doesnt!


Well-known member
Re: eyeshadow primer help

Yes UD primer potion and then a paint seems to work well for me.

UDPP on it's own works for about 8 hours on me, then creases.


Well-known member
Re: eyeshadow primer help

I agree with ManBeater.

Use either UDPP or the Too Faced one and on top use a paint pot which is either natural (bare study or painterly) or a shade that corrosponds the eyshadows that you are wearing.


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