Favorite Eye shadow Primer


New member
I really like UD primer. I also like MAC paints. I probably use paints more but I do like the feel and texture of the UD PP.
For those that might want to know. Using a lid primer helps the eyeshadow to adhere to your lid and last longer.
Using just foundation may work for some people but for most they need something that will stay put. Like me who has super oily lids!
I use UD pp for regular looks an e/s and MAC paints when I am using bolder colors and pigments.


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Getting Eyeshadow to show up

I am curious....how do you ladies get your e/s to show up so vividly? I normally use a base like concealer or a primer. What products and techniques do you use? Thanks in advance for the responses!


Well-known member
a M·A·C 219 brush can be used to get very intense colour with shadows and you could also try applying the shadows wet with a mixing medium or Fix+


New member
you can put it on top of an e/s base... it makes the color more vibrant. i use urban decay primer potion. but before that i use to use (and still do sometimes) MAC paints or shadesticks. Bare canvas paint and beigeing shadestick are great for shadows to show up a little more like they look on the pot. You can also use them wet (gives the shadow way more color... I've never tried it but I've seen a lot of girls here do it. They use either Fix+ or Mixing Medium. I've seen some girls use Visine too... hope this helps.


Well-known member
I used to ask the same question. The answer for me was bases and brushes.
MAC Paints and MAC brushes do wonders for e/s. D:


Well-known member
I have yet to try UD Primer Potion but it gets rave reviews and is always sold out. I use Paints. I love them! I use everything from Bamboom to Bare Canvas to Chiaroscuro to Base Light. It just depends on the colors you want to put over it. You can put them on with your finger or a brush (for a more opaque application) and they work great to kind of neutralize your eyelid color and keep your shadow in place.


New member
Like every said and e/s base works wonders. I prefer MAC paints to get my e/s the most vivid. You can also use the colors wet like Sexy suggested or with MAC medium mixing. I find that using them wet makes them very vivid. As far as using visine I don't really rec' using that. I have heard from many people including a few people that work in eye docotor offices that it's not the best for your eye area. There is one eye solution that is ok to use but at this time I can not recall. It has something to do with contacts. When I remember I will post it.


Well-known member
i use a shadestick and then layer the shadow on over it :]

before that, i either just used it wet or used some creme eyeshadow under the powder shadow.


Well-known member
I use creme shadows as a base. it works really good. it'll last for hours almost all day.


oopsie! THE ANTHEM already said that hehe


Well-known member
To wet es appliers-It doesn't breed bacteria in the es when you apply it wet? By wet do you mean moistening the applicator like sigwing said, or by some other way? *confused*


Well-known member
I always use a base (MAC Prep & Prime) and I dab the e/s onto the lid, don't wipe it! I love the MAC 239 brush for dense color application.
I use the UD Primer Potion as a base and use MAC brush #242 to apply color to the lid and crease. This brush has firm bristles and the e/s color shows up very well.


Well-known member
i'll usually use creme eyeshadows, like some others have said. i haven't seen anybody menchen ----white eyeliner------ yet. some girls will use it all over their lid and it'll be SO vibrant. but i'll do it for underneath my lid for a wave of colour somedays. :] hope i helped a bit--


Well-known member
I don't so much rely on bases (though I do use them) but brush type and also instead of swiping shadow onto lid, picking it up with brush and 'dotting' or patting it onto desired area.

To apply wet, I actually dip dry brush into desired shadow, run the tap very gently onto top of hand (you can hold the drops in your snuff part! that funny bit below the thumb) and gently dip brush into drops on hand. So you're not ruining the texture of your shadow too much.


Well-known member
wow! you all have given me some great info. that i will def. incorporate into my mu routine. thank you so much!

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