Favorite Eye shadow Primer


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I love MAC Untitled and MAC Stilife Paints as an eyeshadow base.

I also have the Sea Me shadestick ( the blue one) and it does a good job but it's harder to blend well and it can flake off.


Well-known member
i've used MAC paints, shadesticks, CCBs, and fluidlines as a base, and i prefer paints and shadesticks, shadesticks over paints (depends on the texture of e/s, though)...before i started getting really into make up i used concealer from presciptives and honestly, i never went back...u need some kind of cream-based product with pigment in it (even if it appears skin-coloured) to show the color off, or else it is NOT gonna stay. i have combo skin with kinda greasier eyelids (after a few hours after moisturizer, anyway), and paints/SS work great for me


Well-known member
I use Rimmel's hydrasense concealer as my eyeshadow base. A littel goes a long way, it's just like the primer potion but it's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to get hold of for me. Being a student it's all about what i can afford and it makes a good substitute!


Well-known member
Ulta always has UDPP, but I've never tried it.

I originally used the touch base from Clinique, but I really hated it, it would dry out & be difficult to apply before you used it all.

Then I tried one by Elizabeth Arden & I hated it too, it didn't even work, all my shadow ended up in the crease (I have oily skin).

So then I tried Fade Not Crease Not by Ultima II, I get it at Ulta. I've been using it for a while now, at least a couple of years I think, I like it a lot.

But now I just got MAC paint in bare canvas, I like it, but it's really light on me, I'm trying to decide if I like it better than the FNCN. I'm also thinking about not applying the paint all the way up to the brow since it's so much lighter than my skin color. Does anyone else have this problem? Where & how do you apply it?


Well-known member
MAC Paints and Shadesticks all the way .............


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I like to use the Too Faced Herbal Concealer. It's advertised as an eye concealor but it can also be used as a shadow base. Okay, okay, if any of you have used the Too Faced First Base or Second Base, many thinks it sucks and doesn't want to deal with another Too Faced base right? I tried second base and I thought it stunk too. But this one is good! It's very creamy and smooth and you don't get too much on your finger tips, allowing a smooth and even not overdoing it application. It just gives you the right amount. I can't explain it too well, you try it and see. It's like a second layer of skin. I love it sooo much. It's supposed to moisterize and slow aging too!


Using mac prep and prime eyes atm .. not bad .. but i think if you have a bumpy eyelid then its hard to get a smooth layer of the primer on.


Well-known member
MAC Pre+Prime and Stilife Paint, Too faced e/s base , but before i use to just use ur good old cheapy brand Concealer stick


Active member
Paints and UD Primer Potion are excellent. In a pinch I've used the Wet & Wild cream shadows in the little tubes and those work quite well for like 99 cents!


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I dont exactly use an actual primer but I use the MAC shade sticks. Then i put my e/s over it. They last all day!!


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Primer's to make pigments/eyeshadow pop?

Does mac have like primer's to make eyeshadows and pigments stand out more? My friedn said she uses a yellow primer to make green pop on her eyes. Has anyone else heard of it?

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