HELP!!! I have am a NW20, with blue eyes, and medium brown hair. I love wearing colours like red/coppers, and pink colours (dark or light), but I keep getting told that they make my eyes look smaller.
What can I use to make my eyes POP?? I have tried wearing lighter colours, and blues etc, but they just dont look right on me.
I have the same coloring, but with blonde hair. I've found that Sable really makes my eyes pop. If you want to stay away from pinks/reds, you could try going with grays/purples/browns. That's usually what I stick too - I really like Shale.
I also like Paradisco with blue eyes a lot, but it is coral, so you should try it out first, in case that works the same as the pinks/reds on you.
Re: Eye shadow for nw20,blue eyes,blonde hair,ideas??
taupe, gray, violet, purple, deep blue (a darker shade than your eye color makes your eyes really blue), black (mix it with bright blue for a smokey effect)
silver, turquoise, fuschia
Re: Best MAC Copper or Bronze shade for blue eyes?
Ditto Coppering for best copper. Paired with Mythology it is really pretty. Best bronze would probably be Bronze. I also really like Romp which is a brown/bronze.