Favorite Gray Eyeshadow?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shadowaddict
:confused: Is Stray Grey really grey. Everyone was saying it was mauve, so I passed. I don't have a Nordstroms and was ordering from the site, so I couldn't see it in person.

Also I saw those Bobbi Brown trios. OMG, they are so pretty. I own soooo may green e/s but I might just have to get that. All of them were beautiful.

You know, I put some of this on my hand yesterday & can see why some might say it looks mauve-ish, because it has more of that cast to it than a bluish tone. There's no blue in it, so that's why it seemed like a nice grey to me. If you order it, I'm sure you'll like it. You might check the Swatch area in the MAC discussions to see if someone has it swatched to compare to other things. That's where I usually make up my mind whether I "need" to buy something or not, after I've seen it for real in the swatches!

Here it is! http://www.specktra.net/showthread.php?t=75291


Well-known member
MAC e/s in Anti-Establishment, Knight Divine, and Cumulus.

I just got Electra today, and so far after swatching it on the back of my hand, it looks like a good candidate too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OrangeLuvinChik
MAC Cumulus.

Can somebody describe and/or swatch "Cumulus," please?
I can't get to a MAC counter, so I generally have to buy sight unseen.