Originally Posted by allinbee
Good to know cause I am rushing all the time. I hate to really work on color to show up. That's why I like the grand duos cause it is quite pigmented. Do you think I can use petticoat as blush? I am nc 25 in sculpt.
You meant colour craft will come out in May? I thought it is coming out in July. While on the subject, what do you think of porcelain pink? texture? color? is it similar to anything I have or to petticoat?
THanks Colorqueen! I am a newbie so any guidance is appreciated.
LOL! Light Flush is so intense that you have to work to get it NOT to show up on me! I am NW25. IT is like two florescent light pink ski slopes on my skin if I am not careful! HAHAHAH
I use Petticoat all of the time for blush- although I always use several colors anyway- I put a darker one under it and the Petticoat over it to blend. I never use just one color- as an artist, I always have to use several colors to look more natural to my persnickety eye.
And yes, I made an oops-= CC is the one that comes out in MAY but that has the bronzescape series in it I think which is worth ANYTHING you have to do to get it.
The MSFs come out in July- you are correct. There are SO many collections I loose track a lot these days. I think I am on MAC overload at times.
I llove to use Porcelain Pink as a highlight over warmer colors. the onlly problem you might have with Petticoat is that it tends to be cooler- and you sound like you tend toward warm- that is not necessarily a problem though. As for PP,- I use it as highlight when I am done with warm combos of MSFs.
For cooler highlighting I use Perfect Topping, and REfined I love for highlighting on warmer palettes too.
I change my haircolor, eyecolor, and clothing color as well as skintone to completely transform my look on a regular basis (from day to day sometimes) so I have to have an entire arsenal of MSFs and basics to help that transition. That is why I talk so widely about the usage.
Plus as a makeup artist I have to keep myself in practice for doing different skintones in clients as well.
As for being a newbie......
:welc ome:
Any time I can be of help, you can always send me mail here too