I do not make gloss out of pigment because it takes WAY too much to get the intensity that I want.
However, I smear a bit over lipstick or gloss and that works much better.
Old Gold- unbelievable over red lipstick
Blue- fantastic mixed over Girl About Town - makes stiletto color exactly
Blue Brown over pink
Frozen white over bright magenta or red
provence over dark pink (lightly)
goldenaire over light gloss
pinked Mauve
bright fuchsia
Pink Pearl- use this constantly over various purples and pinks
Chartreuse over rose or melon- lightly
I LOVE turquoise iridescent (sweetscents) over reds and pinks and purples it is turquoise shimmer and is GORGEOUS
Pink Opal
Gold Dusk
Geez, there are a ton more, but those are all I canthink of for now. I use this constantly to give depth to lipstick or lip gloss. Color stays put pretty well too.