Favourite single wash colour?

Thanks for all the great suggestions! I actually already have a few of the ones mentioned, I'm trying them out in a whole new way (shop my stash!). I ended up replacing Honesty with Grain. It's still not exactly what I was hoping for, but I'm really liking it. I also fell in love with Beautiful Iris and Juxt, but I think I'll save those Spring when I'm feeling a bit more adventurous with colour. Thanks for all the help!


Well-known member
Bare Study Paint Pot all the way!

I generally wear it with Smolder on the top line, smoked out with my 219 and apply the remaining under my eyes, or with Penultimate on the top and a little on the bottom. Either are these are my go to work look.


Well-known member
woodwinked! such a beautiful colour. quite often i wear that alone on my lid


Well-known member
And another vote for Jest! It's so pretty!
I also like Vanilla and Dazzlelight, maybe even Honesty :]


I'm NC 15-20 with dark brown hair and dark green/hazel eyes.

My current everyday wash color is actually part of a Clinique duo. I think it is called beached plum--its a really pretty gold color and a gold-ish plum color. I use the gold everyday and love it, but I have been searching everywhere for a mac dupe for it. It is similar to shroom but maybe a shade or two darker. I've tried goldmine, gorgeous gold, shroom, retrospeck, nylon but none have worked so far. :/

i think naked lunch and allthatglitters are gorgeous wash colors as well but for some reason i can't get them to look "right" on me; maybe you'll have better luck!!