Feeling fat


Well-known member
Just want to rant, at 5'2, i currently weigh 110lbs, i was about 103 last year. Im trying to eat better, work out etc but im feeling really bad right now, i just feel like hiding myself at home and not even do makeup as i would get upset at how round my face is. Alright, rant over.


I'm in the same position ~sigh~

I'm also 5'2 and im about 130lbs, i got right down to like 105 last year and now i'm right back up and i HATE not having anything that fits or wanting to do my make up as i'm terrible at contouring and it's so round

just wanted you to know you're not alone! we all get times when we feel like this :( as long as youre living healthy it'll all work out - if you're unhappy it doesnt even look like you have much to lose!