Feeling low!!


Well-known member
I definitely hate getting in those moods where everything sucks. It mainly happens to me when I'm not being very social. The only reason I have to not be social is when I start ridiculing myself on the way I look; not being skinny enough somehow translates to not being worthy enough. So it's an ongoing battle. This month so far is a bad month. LOL. But I'm working toward a really good summer if I just deal with it not (like lose 10lbs lol) I feel like.

I'm really intered in BDD. I think I'll read up on it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmberLilith
Also, thanks ratmist for the book recommendations.

I'd recommend 'Hystories' - Elaine Showalter
(though ratmist has probably already read it, lol)

I haven't actually! I'm woefully behind on my feminist/anthropology/media & communications texts - even though this one seems to date to 1998! *embarassed* I left them behind when I switched disciplines and went over to archaeology. I haven't had time to revisit them (yet). It sounds like a good book! Let me know what you think of it if you read it or have read it!


Well-known member
Hijacking the thread slightly....

'Hystories' is a brilliant book, I read it a while ago now so I think it's time I re-read it!
It chronicles the treatment and societal acceptance of mental illness in women, going back to Freud and Lacan's views that mental illness and it's frequent manifestation as hysteria in women were caused by the womb moving around in the body.... which is why the words 'hysteria' and 'hysterectomy' have the same root.
Also examines different possible 'mass hysteria' movements in modern culture, such as satanic ritual abuse and recovered memory syndrome. Fascinating viewpoint I think.
Will write more when I've started reading it again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
I'm really intered in BDD. I think I'll read up on it.

I think it's important to note here that with many mental illnesses, similar traits can be seen in the general population in a more 'mild' form.

- Body Dysmorphic disorder vs anxiety and unhappiness about looks
- Clinical Depression vs feeling a bit low
- OCD vs a tendency to clean a lot and preferring a tidy house
- Eating disorders vs having a slightly 'bad/emotional relationship' with food

The difference is that mental illnesses are defined by being debilitating to your everyday functioning, as though it controls your life, gets in the way of things. They are more extreme forms of the general traits that cause problems for a person.

Body Dysmorphia can include, for example, feeling so unhappy with your body that you feel the only solution is to lose a limb or to treat your acne by scrubbing your face with bleach. It's an illness that can prevent you doing things like leaving the house or seeing friends, for example.

I'm not saying that everyone will suddenly think they have BDD, just pointing out the differences since it's been mentioned in the context of this thread (and i didn't elaborate on it before).

I haven't read loads on BDD, but I do have a background in Psychopathology.

Brittni: I can identify with your statement 'not being skinny enough = not being worthy enough'.
It's a shame that we all still judge ourselves based on what we look like, even though we know that isn't all there is to us.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i've had my lows because i'm overweight, i try and listen to my favourite songs (upbeat ones) to cheer me up or talk to my friends or my mom.

I have such low esteem on my body image but as i lose the weight, the confidence goes higher. lost just over 2 stones so far (28lbs)

I can only offer my hugs and hope you feel better soon! *cuddles*