Fergie named new Viva Glam Spokesperson


Well-known member
I'm happy that they have another celebrity, and i'm happy that it's Fergie because i think she's very well known and has great music. I'm dissapointed that most of you are cracking the shits about it cos its a bloody charity for christs sakes! Why does it matter? Someone who could make a LOT of money representing another product/brand, is representing our brand MAC and giving her time for free. Seriously, why the hell does it matter who she is/what she does/what she looks like? I don't think MAC has an image, look at all the different visuals they do, look at all the VG spokespeople from the past (Ru Paul, KD Lang, Elton John, Mary J Blige, Shirley Manson, Pamela Anderson, Dita, Eve) and you can't seriously tell me that they all portray the same image? I think not. Everyone has their own unique look and not everyone is neccesarily going to like that look but who cares? It's all in the name of a very good/important cause!


Well-known member
They could have picked someone worse, they could have picked someone better. Maybe Fergie isn't the prettiest woman in the world, not everyone that has represented MAC is gorgeous. She is human and imperfect just like the rest of us. I say give her a chance!


Well-known member
I think it's pretty good.. I mean, it's different for sure, and she'll bring in a new crowd into the MAC store to buy the VG and help out, and that's the whole point of it isn't it? She might not seem 'glamorous' and 'beautiful' to some people, but others really think she's great and THEY'RE going to be in the MAC stores buying up the lippies because they adore her.

A lot of people are saying that she's not pretty and etc, but this coming from a makeup forum is kind of sad. Yah, her voice isn't that great live and yah, she's done some pretty weird things. And yah, she's had a drug addiction and a "good role model" wouldn't of ever had an addiction.

But not everyone is perfect and she got through it, and that probably gives hope and helps the kids that ARE addicted to something and maybe it tells them that they don't NEED to take drugs and that if Fergie got over it and became a success, than they can too.

I dunno that's my opinion. As long as the lippies sell well who really cares? It's for a good cause.


Well-known member
True. She did GET THROUGH an addiction. That alone is commendable. She can't possibly be any worse than Li'l Kim (after the VIVA GLAM campaign!!). That face needs Jesus.


Active member
YAY!!! I love Fergie and personally think that she will be an awesome spokesperson for M.A.C! She is a talented artist and totally HOT!!! I can't wait to see what the lipgloss looks like


Well-known member
Honestly, I'm more drawn to Dita rather than Fergie. I'm not jumping up and down at the choice, but I won't go as far as talking about her past addiction (which I was totally clueless about but I hardly read about celebrities), I would have preferred Gwen big time, but c'est la vie.

Let's just hope that her image helps sell more Viva Glam and therefore help the MAC AIDS Fund and there's always the next spokesperson to look forward to.


Well-known member
Its MAC make-up so either way, they are going to make her look good! I think the best Viva ad was Pamela Anderson. She looked amazing and her make-up was flawless! I always thought Fergie would make it for Viva Glam!



You should be ashamed of yourselves! This is for Viva Glam for crying out loud!

Why the negative comments? Can't you all see this is for a good cause? Obviously Fergie was chosen for a reason-to raise more awareness for the MAC AIDS Fund. To sell more product to make more money to help PEOPLE.

So you don't like her music/face/history/'non-glamourous-ness'?? Well, NOW you have a reason to like her. Because she is helping out a great cause.

And to the MAC Artists in the house...C'MON!!!!

It's a sad day at MAC if their people don't do everything they can to support the MAC AIDS Fund.

I'm excited! I hope it's a cream (not frost) too!


Well-known member
I honestly can't stand her music at all, it drives me mental, I hate the pathetic idiotic lyrics and the message it sends to young girls (like Lovely Lady Lumps for example.) I think she is a horrible pick and I think she looks really weird too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by littlemakeupboy
I love me some Fergie,
However I would love to see TORI AMOS as a viva glam spokes model.
She's amazing

I second this. Tori would be fabulous!

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