Well-known member
I need some more advice, so I figured I'd ask the best people online that I know
Anyway, this is something that has been bothering me for months now. Nick comes from a pretty dysfunctional family. His parents live together, but HATE each other. I could never understand why they just didn't get divorced, but I think it's because the mom mooches off of the dad all the time. Nick has two younger siblings, a 19-year-old brother and a 15-year-old sister. They both still live at home. The mom favors Nick over any of the kids and has a "to hell with the rest of the kids" attitude. For example, his sister will call our house because his mom didn't feel like feeding the rest of the family, but the day before, his mom might've came over to our house and brought Nick one of his favorite dishes, like shepard's pie or whatever. That bugs me. His sister begs Nick to buy them some food, because the mom didn't cook it and the dad is too lazy to go out and get some.
I think his mom is really the downfall of the family. She drinks a huge amount of wine or whiskey EVERY night. She has a college degree and used to be a teacher, but she couldn't pass some kind of math exam and so, she hasn't taught school for about six years. To support herself, she works a delivery person for an Italian restaurant here in town. She is probably the most negative person I've ever met. She complains, CONSTANTLY. Every trip I've been on with this woman, she complains, and over stupid stuff too. She has a very negative outlook on everything and is always bitching. She screams at her kids (including Nick) and says mean, embarassing things to them, especially in public. It's pretty ridiculous. She also cheats on Nick's dad, but I don't think he cares, because they hate each other. I don't think she's had "relations" with anyone in over a year, but she is always coming over to our house, to look for men on the internet. Nick doesn't support her bullshit and they argue constantly over the fact that she is always looking for another man, but he doesn't seem to care when she's on our computer, chatting up with men she's never laid eyes on in her life. She's had a few dates with men she met online, but they never amount to anything more.
I used to feel like Nick's mom and I got along better before we moved out. Everytime she comes over, she goes snooping through our cabinets and will stay stuff like "What's for dinner?" I remember once I didn't feel like cooking much, so I made us chicken patty sandwiches and french fries. She rolled her eyes when Nick told her what he had ate earlier. First off, you don't fucking live here, so don't worry about what I cook for your son and secondly, it's just none of her business. She bought us groceries after we first moved out (really nice of her) but everytime she'd pull something out the bag she'd say "We use this like this, for this." and didn't approve of a box of margarine that I had bought for us, because it wasn't her Land 'O Lakes stuff. Nick's mom is really obnoxious, very outspoken and demanding, really "in-your-face", know what I mean? I think that's why a lot of people are turned off from her. She calls Nick constantly on his cell phone (when he's asked her many times to call him on our house phone) because she doesn't have AT&T and it wastes our minutes when she calls. They usually end up arguing and either he or she will hang up on each other. This is almost everyday.
I don't know Nick's dad very well, I've been around him a couple of times since we've been together and he's a smart ass. I used to only work 20 hours a week at one job while I was a full-time student (taking 15 credits) and Nick and I had just moved out. He came over and said "So are you ever going to work 40 hours a week or make my son pay all the bills?" This REALLY pissed me off, because I have contributed over $3,000 of my own money towards all of our furniture, decor, bedding, hook-up fees for Comcast, water/sewage, electricty, whatever. Nick got himself in credit card debt at a young age and is still paying for it and has way more bills than I do. Nick only contributed $400 when we first moved out towards stuff for the house. I also brought a brand new dining room table & chairs, as well as a brand new king-sized bed and the rest of the bedroom furniture with me. So to make ends meet, I work two jobs so I can work 80 hours every 2 weeks and STILL go to school, trying to finish my degree in Business Management.
One thing that really bugs me about Nick, is the fact that he has a lot of bills. We haven't ran into any problems yet, but he wastes a lot of money on alcohol at the liquor stores. That stuff isn't cheap. I drink very rarely, but Nick drinks five nights out of the week, it's crazy. He doesn't get piss drunk, but he likes to get "tipsy". I've tried telling him if he wouldn't waste money on alcohol or cigarettes, he'd have some more money to spend. He gets mad when I get packages from MAC or other places, because I know how to budget my money, and I like to save for things. With all of the bills he has to pay, he also pays his mom's car insurance. Now this is what REALLY REALLY REALLY pisses me off.
I seriously do not understand why she can't pay her own damn insurance. Nick told me that she refuses to pay the insurance as well as the renter's insurance that his dad pays each year to the landlord of the home they live in, so Nick will fork over her share of that too. If she doesn't pay her car insurance, it's means everyone in his family will get taken off the insurance, because of her. I've tried to tell him that he needs to put his foot down, because how can he pay his insurance and hers every month, on top of everything else, but he doesn't want to hear it. I feel like confronting this woman, because I'm a very outspoken person and I can't bite my tongue, especially when I get mad. I feel like she's trying to push Nick further into the hole. Nick and I are about to start our own family and we already have our own life together, and she's interfering with it.
Nick's siblings are constantly calling up, to come over here and download songs and stuff, because we have high speed internet. At first, it didn't bother me, but now they constantly call up, when we are getting ready to go to bed or in the middle of something. His sister probably spends 12 hours a day on the internet when she's not in school and it's just ridiculous. She called up last night, because there was a bad storm in our area, and the power went out at their house. She asked Nick if we would DVR something that was coming on for her at 8pm. I had unplugged our TV & cable box during the storm, so I was trying to get that reloaded, and it was taking forever. I guess the program had already started and Nick was explaining to her on the phone that we were having a problem and I hear her whining, "Hurry up! It's already started! What's taking so long!" You know, all this bratty bullshit. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I said "Tell your sister to shut the fuck up!" I guess that really made him mad, but I think it's completely uncalled for to call someone, asking them for a favor, and then whine and throw a temper tantrum because they can't get it to work for a few minutes. Of course, she whined some more and hung up on him. Nick and I got into a HUGE argument and I told him his sister was a fucking brat and needed to grow up. If my brother acted like that, I'd tell him to get over himself and I wouldn't record anything for him. Nick said I was talking shit about his family, but I was honestly mad. I can't stand when kids or anyone for that matter, acts like that.
I spoke to my parents about it this morning and my dad said I need to break it off in his mom's ass quick. I'm afraid if I do that, that the shit will hit the fan. I don't have a problem telling anyone off, especially when they deserve it, like in this case, but Nick is involved too. I love this man with all of my heart and we have such a great relationship, but there's just some stuff going on that I do not approve of, like the whole thing with his mom. He complains about his family constantly and when I say something about his mom's behavior or his sister's bratty ways, he gets pissed about it. I'm sorry, but I live here too and I feel like I have a say-so in what's going down. I feel like when we don't hear from his family, everything goes great until one of them calls up with an issue and he gets upset over it and I do too and that's when all hell breaks loose.
Sorry to be so long-winded and in-depth with this post, but I really need some advice
I'm just so confused and I don't know how to handle this situation.

Anyway, this is something that has been bothering me for months now. Nick comes from a pretty dysfunctional family. His parents live together, but HATE each other. I could never understand why they just didn't get divorced, but I think it's because the mom mooches off of the dad all the time. Nick has two younger siblings, a 19-year-old brother and a 15-year-old sister. They both still live at home. The mom favors Nick over any of the kids and has a "to hell with the rest of the kids" attitude. For example, his sister will call our house because his mom didn't feel like feeding the rest of the family, but the day before, his mom might've came over to our house and brought Nick one of his favorite dishes, like shepard's pie or whatever. That bugs me. His sister begs Nick to buy them some food, because the mom didn't cook it and the dad is too lazy to go out and get some.
I think his mom is really the downfall of the family. She drinks a huge amount of wine or whiskey EVERY night. She has a college degree and used to be a teacher, but she couldn't pass some kind of math exam and so, she hasn't taught school for about six years. To support herself, she works a delivery person for an Italian restaurant here in town. She is probably the most negative person I've ever met. She complains, CONSTANTLY. Every trip I've been on with this woman, she complains, and over stupid stuff too. She has a very negative outlook on everything and is always bitching. She screams at her kids (including Nick) and says mean, embarassing things to them, especially in public. It's pretty ridiculous. She also cheats on Nick's dad, but I don't think he cares, because they hate each other. I don't think she's had "relations" with anyone in over a year, but she is always coming over to our house, to look for men on the internet. Nick doesn't support her bullshit and they argue constantly over the fact that she is always looking for another man, but he doesn't seem to care when she's on our computer, chatting up with men she's never laid eyes on in her life. She's had a few dates with men she met online, but they never amount to anything more.
I used to feel like Nick's mom and I got along better before we moved out. Everytime she comes over, she goes snooping through our cabinets and will stay stuff like "What's for dinner?" I remember once I didn't feel like cooking much, so I made us chicken patty sandwiches and french fries. She rolled her eyes when Nick told her what he had ate earlier. First off, you don't fucking live here, so don't worry about what I cook for your son and secondly, it's just none of her business. She bought us groceries after we first moved out (really nice of her) but everytime she'd pull something out the bag she'd say "We use this like this, for this." and didn't approve of a box of margarine that I had bought for us, because it wasn't her Land 'O Lakes stuff. Nick's mom is really obnoxious, very outspoken and demanding, really "in-your-face", know what I mean? I think that's why a lot of people are turned off from her. She calls Nick constantly on his cell phone (when he's asked her many times to call him on our house phone) because she doesn't have AT&T and it wastes our minutes when she calls. They usually end up arguing and either he or she will hang up on each other. This is almost everyday.
I don't know Nick's dad very well, I've been around him a couple of times since we've been together and he's a smart ass. I used to only work 20 hours a week at one job while I was a full-time student (taking 15 credits) and Nick and I had just moved out. He came over and said "So are you ever going to work 40 hours a week or make my son pay all the bills?" This REALLY pissed me off, because I have contributed over $3,000 of my own money towards all of our furniture, decor, bedding, hook-up fees for Comcast, water/sewage, electricty, whatever. Nick got himself in credit card debt at a young age and is still paying for it and has way more bills than I do. Nick only contributed $400 when we first moved out towards stuff for the house. I also brought a brand new dining room table & chairs, as well as a brand new king-sized bed and the rest of the bedroom furniture with me. So to make ends meet, I work two jobs so I can work 80 hours every 2 weeks and STILL go to school, trying to finish my degree in Business Management.
One thing that really bugs me about Nick, is the fact that he has a lot of bills. We haven't ran into any problems yet, but he wastes a lot of money on alcohol at the liquor stores. That stuff isn't cheap. I drink very rarely, but Nick drinks five nights out of the week, it's crazy. He doesn't get piss drunk, but he likes to get "tipsy". I've tried telling him if he wouldn't waste money on alcohol or cigarettes, he'd have some more money to spend. He gets mad when I get packages from MAC or other places, because I know how to budget my money, and I like to save for things. With all of the bills he has to pay, he also pays his mom's car insurance. Now this is what REALLY REALLY REALLY pisses me off.

Nick's siblings are constantly calling up, to come over here and download songs and stuff, because we have high speed internet. At first, it didn't bother me, but now they constantly call up, when we are getting ready to go to bed or in the middle of something. His sister probably spends 12 hours a day on the internet when she's not in school and it's just ridiculous. She called up last night, because there was a bad storm in our area, and the power went out at their house. She asked Nick if we would DVR something that was coming on for her at 8pm. I had unplugged our TV & cable box during the storm, so I was trying to get that reloaded, and it was taking forever. I guess the program had already started and Nick was explaining to her on the phone that we were having a problem and I hear her whining, "Hurry up! It's already started! What's taking so long!" You know, all this bratty bullshit. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I said "Tell your sister to shut the fuck up!" I guess that really made him mad, but I think it's completely uncalled for to call someone, asking them for a favor, and then whine and throw a temper tantrum because they can't get it to work for a few minutes. Of course, she whined some more and hung up on him. Nick and I got into a HUGE argument and I told him his sister was a fucking brat and needed to grow up. If my brother acted like that, I'd tell him to get over himself and I wouldn't record anything for him. Nick said I was talking shit about his family, but I was honestly mad. I can't stand when kids or anyone for that matter, acts like that.
I spoke to my parents about it this morning and my dad said I need to break it off in his mom's ass quick. I'm afraid if I do that, that the shit will hit the fan. I don't have a problem telling anyone off, especially when they deserve it, like in this case, but Nick is involved too. I love this man with all of my heart and we have such a great relationship, but there's just some stuff going on that I do not approve of, like the whole thing with his mom. He complains about his family constantly and when I say something about his mom's behavior or his sister's bratty ways, he gets pissed about it. I'm sorry, but I live here too and I feel like I have a say-so in what's going down. I feel like when we don't hear from his family, everything goes great until one of them calls up with an issue and he gets upset over it and I do too and that's when all hell breaks loose.
Sorry to be so long-winded and in-depth with this post, but I really need some advice